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Manifesto of Douglas Bryson for CS Grader
The position of Chief Grader (CG), Membership Secretary, Webmaster and Magazine Editor are not up for formal election at the AGM – they are classed as appointments. However in the absence of detailed up to date job descriptions it might be useful to explain who does what in the organisation. The manifesto for CG would be to continue with the tasks.

The CG is responsible for all aspects of grading and along with membership are the two functions where players are most likely to have direct contact with CS.

The CG liaises with around 50 area graders round the country to assist with the operation of the grading program, the importing of result data and maintaining the accuracy of the results and player database. CG deals with the upload of results and the maintenance of the FIDE database of Scotland players.

CG is in regular contact with the membership secretary to import the weekly update of current CS members to create the valid list of people able to consult the online system. CG liaises with tournament organisers and entries secretaries to identify newcomers and visitors and assign appropriate grades. CG liaises with the programmers in relation to the online system and the programs created to import and upload data. CG liaises with treasurer to issues invoices for grading fees and maintain a database of outstanding bills. CG creates the year end printed grading list and arranges printing.

Other issues:
Web news: CG updates some of the news stories on the website along with Dick Heathwood and Andy Howie. The range of people posting information in the news list was meant to expand so that directors could have control over the frequency and content of the news and web reports on their area of responsibility – this now looks to be a likely welcome development with the issue specifically mentioned in some manifesto descriptions.
100 Club: CG liaises with treasurer and membership secretary to maintain database of subscribers and select winners.
Grand Prix: CG arranges current sponsorship and liaises with Home director, Junior Home and the programmers on the operation of the competition.

Background: CS grader for over 20 years. SCM editor in the 1990s. Started CS website in 1997.

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