The Chess Scotland 100 Club is a lottery that anyone
is welcome to join. Half the cash collected every month is returned
as prizes, the rest goes into general fund raising for the association.
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There are various ways to join the 100 club.
1) PAYPAL - you can use the CS secure Online payments to buy a year's subscription of £12 (one unit per month).
2) If you have an online banking account then you can dispense with filling out any paper forms. Just set up a standing order online. Please contact David Deary, the Chess Scotland treasurer, for information on how to set up a standing order to the 100 Club. You will be entered into the next monthly draw after your initial payment has been received.
3) View the Application Form
4) Send a cheque payable Chess Scotland.
1. Background Chess Scotland runs a 100 Club to assist with general fund raising. 50% of the money available in any given month is distributed as prizes, with the balance being used to offset some of the costs of organising chess in Scotland. Organisation costs: Running CS member services, running CS tournaments, maintaining a rating list, organising Scottish teams international participation, junior training, Scottish Chess e-magazine, this website! etc
2. How to Join Anyone aged 16 or over can subscribe to the Club. It costs £1 per month to buy a prize draw unit, and, while the normal period to hold a unit is one year, other time periods can be accommodated. Any number of units may be held by a member. Payment may be made by Paypal, cheque (usually in multiples of £12 for a year's subscription), or by Standing Order (a monthly debit in multiples of £1).
Please send application forms and cheques (payable Chess Scotland) to Chess Scotland Treasurer, David Deary,
2 Gartwhinnie Gardens, Larbert, Falkirk, FK2 8BQ.