Chess Scotland 100 Club

Subscribers prior to February 2025 draw

Bisset Alexander
Deary Daniel
Deary David
Easton Brian
Gillam Simon
Gillies Alex
Giulian Philip
Greet Andrew
Harley Trevor
Henderson Garry
Jamieson Ian
Kafka Nan
Kelly Maurice
Kleboe Jim
Lampard Alice
Lobley Gerald
MacArthur John
MacKintosh Ian
MacNab Crawford
Mannion Steve Snr
McCormack Derek
McCulloch Andy
McKenna John
Rettie Stephen
Rutherford Willie
Saemundsson Thor
Wilson Alexander


There were a total of 78 Units in the draw.

Individual subscribers can have more than one unit per month in the draw.

Please contact CS Treasurer David Deary if you require any information about your subscription ie number of units, expiry date, method payment etc.

JOIN NOW FOR 2025! - pay by PAYPAL! - start the 100 Club in any month

The Chess Scotland 100 Club is a lottery that anyone is welcome to join. Half the cash collected every month is returned as prizes, the rest goes into general fund raising for the association.


View Latest Winners - click here

View Previous Winners - click here

There are various ways to join the 100 club.

1) PAYPAL - you can use the CS secure Online payments to buy a year's subscription of £12 (one unit per month).

2) If you have an online banking account then you can dispense with filling out any paper forms. Just set up a standing order online. Please contact David Deary, the Chess Scotland treasurer, for information on how to set up a standing order to the 100 Club. You will be entered into the next monthly draw after your initial payment has been received.

3) View the Application Form


4) Send a cheque payable Chess Scotland.


1. Background Chess Scotland runs a 100 Club to assist with general fund raising. 50% of the money available in any given month is distributed as prizes, with the balance being used to offset some of the costs of organising chess in Scotland. Organisation costs: Running CS member services, running CS tournaments, maintaining a rating list, organising Scottish teams international participation, junior training, Scottish Chess e-magazine, this website! etc

2. How to Join Anyone aged 16 or over can subscribe to the Club. It costs £1 per month to buy a prize draw unit, and, while the normal period to hold a unit is one year, other time periods can be accommodated. Any number of units may be held by a member. Payment may be made by Paypal, cheque (usually in multiples of £12 for a year's subscription), or by Standing Order (a monthly debit in multiples of £1).

Please send application forms and cheques (payable Chess Scotland) to Chess Scotland Treasurer, David Deary, 2 Gartwhinnie Gardens, Larbert, Falkirk, FK2 8BQ.