D Bryson G Clarke S Collins D Gillespie J Glendinning
D Griffin D Heathwood A McFarlane L R McKenzie F Petrie
C Pritchett K Stewart R Tweedie D Wilson
A number of members had taken up the invitation extended by the President
at the AGM (immediately preceding the Council Meeting) to attend as
J Glendinning chaired the meeting and D Heathwood took the minutes.
Apologies had been received from the following members of the newly
appointed Council: -
D Leslie P McNab I Mackintosh B Marshall A Plato
D Smith L Wilson
The Minutes of the previous Council Meeting, 9 February 2003, were
approved. There were no matters arising.
A Paper dated 5 August 2003, jointly
compiled by J Glendinning, D Heathwood, A McFarlane and S Mannion (senior)
had been distributed to Council as at its date of completion. The Paper
addressed the area of Child Protection and contained a range of detailed
recommendations that CS should adopt. These changes would build upon
the existing Chess Scotland Statement of Policy on Dealing with Children,
approved by the then Scottish Junior Chess Association at their Meeting
of 21 April 1996 and subsequently adopted by Chess Scotland. All of
the existing practices as recorded in the 1996 document would continue
unchanged, these new measures were additions not replacements. To support
its recommendations, the Paper set out the background and changes over
recent years in child protection policies implemented in other organisations.
The Paper highlighted the range of options in terms of possible changes
which should be considered.
It was of course recognised that the policies adopted would require
to be kept under review and amended as appropriate in the light of practical
experience over future years.
Subject to the following caveats, the recommendations were accepted:
Council agreed that a sub-group should be formed to draw up behaviour
rules. Membership of the sub-group would comprise: -
T Donohue M Hanley M Mathie A McFarlane R Tweedie
A member had suggested that the AGM should review three issues: -
- Suitability of joint Scottish Champion
- Assessment criteria for selecting player of the year
- 50 mile domicile rule for Richardson Cup
AGM had agreed that these questions should be referred to Council.
There was some discussion as to the best way of debating the issues.
Council were not in favour of any ballot of all members on the question
of joint Scottish Champion.
The whole question of play-offs or similar procedures to avoid a joint
Scottish Champion had been considered a number of times in the past
but no satisfactory resolution had been identified. On the wider question
of all member referenda, the normal practice was that Council ran Chess
Scotland, if members were unhappy with the decisions being taken, their
remedy was to elect replacement Council members at the AGM. Having said
that, Council were very conscious of the need to reflect the wishes
of members, for example (i) the survey of members to establish the level
of support for junior chess being the top priority and (ii) the questionnaire
forwarded to all users of the Chess Scotland Internet chess gateway.
The idea of opening out nominations for player of the year was well
received. Consideration would be given to inviting nominations across
the website prior to the subsequent ballot of members.
The 50 mile domicile rule only related to players living in England
and as such was seen as being a relatively minor issue; nevertheless,
the appropriate Director would review options once again.
Subject to confirmation, the next Meeting of Council would be held
on 8 February 2004. Items held over from the Meeting under minute
would either be resolved by Email or discussed at that time.