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Chess Scotland 's teams for the 2006 Turin Olympiad

by Jacob Aagaard
update May 9, 2006

It is now official that Paul Motwani has been replaced by Neil Berry due to minor medical problems that however means that he should remain close to his own doctor in Belgium.

Chess Scotland wishes Paul a speedy recovery.

Jan 24, 2006

It is a great pleasure to announce the participants on Chess Scotland's two teams for the Turin Olympiad, taking place from the 20th of May to the 5th of June.

The Men's Team

1. Jonathan Rowson

2. Paul Motwani

3. Colin McNab

4. John Shaw

5. Jacob Aagaard

6. Iain Gourlay

The Women's Team

1. Helen Milligan

2. Rosie Giulian

3. Amy Officer

4. Rhian Hughes

(A few reservations have to be taken into account, as explained below.)

Stephen Mannion will be the captain with main focus on the women's team.

Paul Motwani will join the men's team the 27th of May only due to work commitments.

Jacob Aagaard's participation is not totally clear, as there are questions concerning the FIDE rules regarding change of federation.

Amy Officer will join the women's team on the 23rd of May, straight after her exams.

A few participants need to secure their holidays, but the teams are announced none the less, as there has been a lot of interest expressed.

Additional information of technical interest only

The two teams consist of players invited by the International Director based on the selections of CS committees, who were asked to select according to the interests of Chess Scotland.

The International Director has not had a say in the selection process, except for that of the coaches, which has been the decision of the International Director alone.

The funds from the CS budget supporting our national teams have been redistributed compared to previously in accordance with the wishes of the players and for Chess Scotland to get most for its funds.

This means among others that the European Team Championship will not receive funds in 2007, as it did in 2005. All costs will be placed on the participants in the team, compared to in 2005, where four of the six participants paid their own way.

Though CS will always strive to send the best possible team, we have made the decisions that this is only possible every second year.

In preparation for the Olympiad the men's team will have four training days with Mark Dvoretsky in March after Mr. Dvoretsky's lectures in Edinburgh. A few additional players have been invited to take part of the training. This compulsory training is paid for by the participants themselves.

CS will try to organise a similar training event for the women's team and has allocated a budget for it.

International Director

Jacob Aagaard


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