Install the grading program

  • Download GradingSetup.exe and save it somewhere (eg: C:\downloads)
  • Download (Last update February 13 2025 ) You can update your database every week with the latest version of this file. The date indicates the most recent upload.
  • Download
  • Run GradingSetup.exe this will create the directory and will also copy the necessary files into it and also into your system directory.
  • The program uses two databases the master database ( is updated only by the chief grader, the most recent copy will always reside on this install page and is updated when a new event has been added or players details have been added or changed (usually once a week on Wednesdays). This master database is the one used by the online grading system. The other database is the area grader or local database, this one is where each area grader stores the results for their own events. You only download this once.
  • Once you have installed the program and the databases you should then be able to run the program. The first time it is run you need to register it by entering your player number (pnum). If you don't already know your pnum you can press F4 when the cursor is in the registration form textbox. Doing this will popup a search box where you can enter part of your name and click find. This search procedure will become familiar as it is the easiest and quickest method of finding an active player's pnum when entering tournament results. Pressing F4 anytime a pnum is required will popup the same lookup form. Once registered the program remembers who you are.
  • The reason for registering is so that when you submit events the data is tagged with your pnum so that it can recognise if you have edited and resent an event. As for instance you may do with a club event that runs over several months. Indeed area graders are encouraged to submit regular updates of their events so that the results appear in the online grading system shortly after the games are played.
  • We would STRONGLY recommend that you install ALL critical updates from Microsoft at This microsoft site should be one that you visit on a regular basis (AT LEAST once a month) to ensure you are protected from the latest internet attacks. This applies to all Windows users. You should also ensure you have an up-to-date virus scanner.

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