Castlemilk CC v Partizan Belgrade

October 1 & 2, 1983
Stakis Grosvenor Hotel, Glasgow

4th European Club Cup

Introduction (by Alan McGowan)
In the lead-up to this match Castlemilk Chess Club, using astute marketing and promotional methods, obtained wide media coverage, initially in the Scottish press, but subsequently in all major English newspapers too.

Much of the coverage concerned the possibility that the match might not take place due to lack of support and funding.

As a direct result of of the media coverage, Glasgow's Lord Provost, Michael Kelly, became involved in the story, offering assistance from the Council.

Also, the manager of the Stakis Grosvenor Hotel, Glasgow, Tim Kelly, responded with an offer of free accommodation for the visitors. Iindividuals across the U.K. contributed financially.

Tim Kelly had, a few months earlier, hosted the McKay-Miles match at the Stakis Grosvenor Hotel, with Langs Supreme Scotch Whisky as a supporting sponsor. Langs again came on board as a joint sponsor of the Castlemilk-Partizan match, helping to ensure its success.

Media coverage continued in the days immediately before the match. Due to some communication or organisational problems, the Partizan team arrived in Glasgow a day earlier than expected. There was nobody from the Castlemilk club to meet them, and it was representatives of the press that helped the players get to their hotel. And as the Stakis Grosvenor was not expecting the players for another day, the visitors had to be accommodated elsewhere for their first night in the city.

Based on an article by Harry Hatton in Scottish Chess, number 78, December 1983.

Earlier this year current holders of the Richardson Cup, Castlemilk, met Partizan CC from Belgrade, Yugoslavia. By playing this match Castlemilk became the first Scottish side to participate in the European Club Championship.

The final cost of staging the event was around £3,000. The fact that the event went ahead was made possible by generous sponsorship by Stakis Hotels and Langs Supreme Scotch Whisky.

Other finance came from grants from Strathclyde Regional Council, the Scottish Chess Association, and contributions from private individuals.

The task facing Castlemilk seemed daunting. Partizan CC have been champions of Yugoslavia 22 times and have won the European Cup 3 times. They didn't bring their full team, but the team the did bring was very strong - 1 GM, 1 IM, 1 FM, 1 master, and 2 masters candidates.

The event was held in Castlemilk Community Centre on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd October. Over the weekend 180 spectators attended. They were able to watch the actual games, or follow them on demonstration boards, with analysis provided by Paul Motwani, Roddy McKay and Phil Giulian. Moves were relayed to the analysis room by computer. Paul Hampton had written a program specially for the event.

Rd 1
Rd 2
Rd 1
Rd 2
E. Davis
V. Raicevic 2415
T. Milligan
N. Karaklajic 2415
CSM Thomson
N. Ristic 2365
A. Coffey
D. Gavela 2345
C. Boyle
T. Paunovic 2320
B. Cornes
S. Dragasevic

Women's match: H. Milligan ½ - 1½ A. Pihajic

On Saturday, Coffey and Thomson scored wins, while Tommy Milligan managed a draw.

The atmosphere became electric on Sunday afternoon when it looked as if Castlemilk had a chance of pulling off a result. Eddie Davis and Coffey won, while Tommy Milligan scored another draw.

With the score at 5-6, everything hinged on the game between Cornes and Dragasevic. If Castlemilk could could win they would go through on board count. IN the event, Dragasevic forced a draw. Castlemilk had failed to beat Partizan by the narrowest of margins, 6½-5½.

A match also took place between Helen Milligan and and women's IM A. Pihajlic. Helen scored a very creditable ½ from her two games.

The result showed that but for a lack of cash, Scottish clubs are perfectly capable of competing against the rest of Europe.

Karaklajic (IM)- T. Milligan [B76]
Castlemilk v Partizan (2), 1983

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Be3 Bg7 7.f3 Nc6 8.Qd2 0-0 9.0-0-0 d5 10.exd5 Nxd5 11.Nxc6 bxc6 12.Nxd5 cxd5 13.Qxd5 Qc7 14.Qc5 Qb7 15.Qa3 Bf5 16.Ba6 Qc6 17.Bd3 Rab8 18.c3 Rfc8 19.Bxf5 gxf5 20.Rd3 e5 21.Rhd1 Bf8 22.Qa5 Rb5 23.Qa4 Qb7 In the game Karaklajic-Korchnoy, Yugoslavia v USSR 1956, Black played here 23...Qe8. [AMcG] 24.Rd7 Rxc3+ 25.bxc3 Qc6 26.Rc7 Rb1+ 27.Kxb1 Qxa4 28.Rd8 Qb5+ 29.Kc2 Qe2+ 30.Bd2 e4 31.fxe4 Qxe4+ 32.Kd1 Qb1+ 33.Ke2 Qb5+ 34.Kd1 Qb1+ 35.Ke2 Qb5+ ½-½

Davis - Raicevic (GM) [A07]
Castlemilk v Partizan (2), 1983

1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 c6 4.b3 Bf5 5.Bb2 e6 6.0-0 Be7 7.d3 h6 8.Nbd2 0-0 9.Qe1 Re8 10.e4 Bh7 11.Qe2 a5 12.a3 Na6 13.e5 Nd7 14.Ne1 Qb6 15.Kh1 c5 16.a4 Nb4 17.f4 Qa6 18.c4 Rad8 19.g4 Nb8 20.f5 exf5 21.gxf5 Bf6 22.cxd5 Bxe5 23.Bxe5 f6 24.Nc4 Nd7 25.Qf2 fxe5 26.Be4 Rf8 27.Ng2 b6 28.Nge3 Nf6 29.Rg1 Qb7 30.Qg2 Rd7 31.Raf1 Qb8 32.Ng4 Nxg4 33.Qxg4 Rf6 34.Qg3 Re7 35.d6 Ra7 36.Qxe5 Kh8 37.d7 Qd8 38.Qe8+ Rf8 39.Qxd8 Rxd8 40.Ne5 Raxd7 41.Nxd7 Rxd7 42.f6 Bg8 43.Rg6 Bxb3 44.fxg7+ Rxg7 45.Rxh6+ Kg8 46.Rxb6 Rd7 47.Rg6+ Rg7 48.Rxg7+ Kxg7 49.Rf5 Bxa4 50.Rxc5 Bc2 51.Rxa5 Nxd3 52.Kg1 Kh6 53.Ra6+ Kg5 54.Rd6 Nb4 55.Bxc2 Nxc2 56.Kf2 Kg4 57.Rd2 Na3 58.Rd4+ Kh5 59.Ra4 Nb1 60.Rb4 Nc3 61.Rc4 Nb1 62.Rc1 Na3 63.Rc3 Nb1 64.Rd3 1-0

Compiled by
Alan McGowan