England v Scotland

Source: Scottish Chess Bulletin No7. April-June 1962. (Thanks to Sam Collins for this report.)

The eight board match between Scotland and England which was played in Edinburgh on April the 7th resulted in a win for England 5½ - 2½. The individual results were:-

                            Scotland          England
                       1. W.A. Fairhurst ½-½ C. Kottnauer
                       2. Dr J.M. Aitken 0-1 P.H. Clarke
                       3. M. Fallone     0-1 J.E. Littlewood
                       4. Dr R.C. Nairn  ½-½ A.S. Hollis
                       5. D.R. Thomson   ½-½ K.W. Lloyd
                       6. G. Dickson     0-1 M.J. Franklin
                       7. R.M. Baxter    0-1 B. Cafferty
                       8. N.A. Macleod   1-0 P.N. Wallis

The young English players are very strongand were able to demonstrate how much they have gained from experience of international and other first class tournaments. Only D.R. Thomson, Scotland's representative in the world junior championship, has had a sample of such experience. His play on this occasion was enterprising , but Lloyd was a well-matched opponent. We must clearly encourage and help our younger players to widen their experience in every way possible.

After the match Mr Fairhurst entertained the players and officers of the BCF and SCA to dinner. This meal, and the few excellent speeches which were made, set seal to a day on which in addition to the playing of a pleasant match the relationship between the two national organisations was re-established on a very friendly basis. A new agreement will come into effect October next.

The Fairhurst - Kottnauer game was as follows - notes are by the first named.

1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.c4 c5 4.Nc3 cxd4 5.Nxd4 Nc6 6.Nc2 Bc5 The natural 6...d5 is better. 7.Be3 d6 8.Bxc5 Also good is 8.Qd2 followed by g3 and Bg2. 8...dxc5 9.Qxd8+ Kxd8 10.g3 b6 11.Bg2 Bb7 12.0-0 Ke7 13.Rfd1 Black cannot be allowed to gain control of the only open file. 13...Rhd8 14.Rxd8 Rxd8 15.Rd1 The game is clearly drawish, and there is nothing to be gained by avoiding the exchange of rooks. 15...Rxd1+ 16.Nxd1 Na5 17.Bxb7 Nxb7 18.f3 Na5 19.b3 Nc6 20.Nc3 Ne8 21.Kf2 ½-½ A tame ending , and rather disappointing after the interesting opening, but half a loaf is better than no bread.

The following report, by P.H. Clarke, appeared in the BCM, May 1962, pages 129/30.

After an interval of nearly four years the series of matches between the two countries was resumed at Edinburgh Chess Club on Saturday, April 7th. Normally England can expect a comfortable victory, but this time the Scots, as if inspired by their ancient, home surroundings, offered really stiff resistance and for a long time there was little between the two sides. At the end of five hours' play England led ny 1 point from six games finished. The remaining two games, however, were broken off with the English players both having clearly won endings, and they were later resigned by Fairhurst, the Scottish captain. Thus, the final score was Scotland 2½, England 5½.

In the pre-lunch phase the match was evenly balanced. The early advantage that Wallis seemed to get when he won the exchange turned out alarmingly, for Macleod obtained excellent counter-play with his minor pieces; this was the first of several "headaches" for our non-playing captain, Mr. V.J. Soanes. Meanwhile on top board a bout of heavy exchanges rapidly reduced the position to an even Knight and pawn ending which left no alternative but a draw. This trend was continued after lunch when the games on Boards 4 and 5 also petered out. Soon, though, Scotland's fortunes took a turn for the worse; Dr. Aitken had slipped into an ending with a very bad Bishop, whilst Fallone was beginning to feel the effects of his inconsistent play earlier. Suddenly the games came to a climax and Littlewood treated the onlookers to a series of powerful attacking strokes.

M. Fallone - J.E. Littlewood
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d3 Bc5 5.Bg5 d6 6.Nc3 h6 7.Bh4 a6 8.a3 Be6 9.Nd5 g5 10.Bg3 Nh5 11.Nd2 Nf4 12.Bxf4 gxf4 13.c3 Rg8! 14.Qh5 Rg6 15.Nf3 Kd7! 16.h3 Rxg2 17.d4 exd4 18.b4 Ba7 19.Nxf4 Bxc4 20.Nxg2 Qf6 21.0-0-0 Rg8 22.Rdg1 d3 23.e5 Nxe5 24.Nd2 Qxf2 0-1

Shortly afterwards Cafferty also broke through with a winning attack, bur our 2-point lead was short-lived, since Macleod outplayed Wallis in the ending and won. This game had been a most interesting and hard-fought one throughout, and victory in it gave the Scots some consolation for the loss of the match. Franklin kept up the pressure from the opening onwards and ended a piece up for three pawns-more than enough, as it was a matter of two bishops against a Knight.

Afterwards Fairhurst, President of the Scottish Chess Association, entertained the players and B.C.F officials to a dinner at the Caledonian Hotel. In this way a fitting end was provided to an enjoyable match.


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