Some of the following photographs have been used
in articles in the History Archive. Others are put here simply to make
them available for reference, even if there is no accompanying
tournament report.
Some of the images were provided by John
Glendinning. Others were taken by JBW Robertson, who became active
within the Scottish Junior Chess Association after its formation in the
late 1960s. After Mr Robertson's death, John Glendinning 'inherited' a
considerable number of images, some of which are presented here. Photos
have also been received from Michael Freeman and Michael Fallone.
Other contributions would be appreciated. Better the photographs are seen here, as opposed to lying in an attic or a basement!
The second photo included other members of the
club. Based on Rev. Young's caption for the above photograph, I would
identify the members as follows:
Standing (l to r) Currie, ?, Rev. Young, McVicar, ?, Sharp, ?, R. Porter, ?, O'Donovan, club treasurer, Leigh.
Sitting (l to r) ?, Taylor (secretary), club president, ?
9th World Student Team Chess Championship: Mariánské Lázne 1962. Photo provided by Michael Freeman, a member of the Scottish team. He also provides the following notes:
'Taken in 1962 at the World Students' Olympiad
outside one of the beautiful 19th century buildings in Mariánské Lázne ,
in Czechoslovakia, where spring water could be sipped or bathed in
(with elderly(!) women supplying towels, on exit).
Among those I recognise are: Spassky (front row, 2nd from
left), Ciric 3rd, Bondarevsky, Spassky's trainer (behind, in
between), Gheorghiu 6th, face partially hidden, Kaválek 4th to his left,
Opocenský (2nd row, 2nd from right), Bagirov (on his right, head down),
Konstantinipolsky (Soviet Team Trainer (3rd row, 1st on right, with
glasses), and many other players of note.
Some of the Scottish team - Michael Freeman (4th row
from back, 5th from right), Peter Coast and John Wheeler (both next, but
further back), and Derek Thomson, next and slightly further forward.' Larger image.
Full details at OlimpBase.

1964 Cumnock Academy win the Ayrshire Schools Chess League. From left to right: Jim Kleboe, Leslie MacDonald, Jim Drife (behind MacDonald), Allan White, P.B. Anderson,
Peter Kleboe, Richard Beecham and Alastair Geddes. P.B. Anderson was
twice Scottish champion. At the time, he was the Headmaster at Cronberry
School in Ayrshire, but was also the chess tutor to the players at
Cumnock Academy. Anderson did a great amount of work for junior and
schools chess in Scotland.
Photo: Courtesy of Joe Parks and the Cumnock Chronicle.
Glorney Cup 1964.
Top row from the left: J.M. Glendinning, E. Davis, G. Hay, G. Bonner
(non playing captain), P.M. George, T. Cowling. Second row, far left is
A.M. Davie; Front row left, sitting cross- legged is Peter Jamieson.
Other notable players: holding the trophy is Michael Basman; 2nd row,
sixth from left is Raymond Keene; next row of those seated, fifth from
left is William Hartston.
Photo: John Glendinning

Havana Olympiad 1966. The Scottish
team, from left to right: Hugh Holmes; Michael Freeman; William
Maria del Carmen Marin (assigned to the team as guide);
Kenneth McAlpine and Craig Pritchett. For further information of the
Scots' experiences at Havana see Michael Freeman's Reminiscences.
Photo: Michael Fallone
Havana Olympiad 1966. Scotland's Kenneth McAlpine in play against IM Reinhart Fuchs of East Germany. At the next board Hugh Holmes
(l) against IM Burkhard Malich. The Czech GM Hort is spectating. The
Scots lost 1-3, Fairhurst losing to Uhlmann. However, the one bright
spot was a stunning victory by Michael Fallone over GM Pietzsch. For
more details of that game see Fallone's Reminiscences.
(Photo: Michael Fallone)

Havana Olympiad 1966. Craig Pritchett (aged 17) in the match against Luxemburg. On the neighbouring board Michael Freeman (r) is facing Norbert Dietrich, with team captain Fairhurst
looking on. (Photo: Michael Fallone)

Havana Olympiad 1966. In the
same match against Luxemburg, Here is Fallone (l) against Schneider.
Next to them Fairhurst (l) is playing Philippe. (Photo: Michael Fallone)
Havana Olympiad 1966. Scotland
faced France in the first round of the Final Group 'B'. Fallone
defeated Mazzoni, while on the neighbouring board McAlpine (r) drew with
Boutteville. On the other boards Holmes lost to Huguet, while Pritchett
demolished Zinser in 25 moves, Scotland winning 2˝-1˝.
(Photo: Michael Fallone)

1968 Glorney Cup,
Plymouth. From l to r: James Lumsden, John Glendinning (non-playing
captain), Colin Campbell, Allen Taylor, Eric Holt, Donald Marr, Robert
Waugh, Ian Mullen.
Photo: John Glendinning

British Championship 1969, in Rhyl, Wales. The Scottish representatives shown here, from left to right, are Peter Jamieson, Gerald Bonner and Hugh Holmes.
Photo: JBW Robertson

Two photos from the Glasgow Congress, September 28-30, 1968, held at Langside Halls.
1. Basman (White) v Pritchett; 2. Danny Wright (White) v Basman.
Michael Basman won the Invitation Tournament
with 5 points, followed by Craig Pritchett 4˝, Wright and Roddy McKay 4,
Golombek 3˝ etc.
Thanks to Jim Anderson (a Basman fan) for passing these
on; they were given to him by the photographer, JBW Robertson.

Lanarkshire Congress, Easter 1970. From left to right: Alan Shaw of Cathcart CC; Mrs Steedman of Bothwell, a long time supporter of the Lanarkshire Congresses and other events.
The others, according to John Larkin, formerly of the
Bellshill CC, are believed to be Stuart Henry and Pat Rooney, also
members of that club.
Photo: JBW Robertson

This photograph was taken at the opening dinner for the 1970 Glorney Cup , held in Bearsden, near Glasgow. John Robertson is on the far right. Next to him is Walter Munn, President of the Scottish Chess Association; William Fairhurst, giving a speech; John Glendinning, non-playing captain of the team; the Provost of Bearsden, William Cumming.
Photo: John Glendinning.

The Scottish team at the 1970 Glorney Cup. From l to r, at the back, Roddy McKay and Eric Holt; front row, John Glendinning (non-playing captain), Ian Meiklejohn, Iain Sinclair, Christopher Jones, David Findlay, with Michael Rosenberg in front of Findlay.
Photo: John Glendinning

1970 Scottish Ladies' Championship,
Back, L-R: Mrs Rose Shedden; Mrs Margaret
Hepburn; Miss E. Whyte
Middle. L-R: Mrs E. Maclean; Mrs Nancy
Elder, the winner; Miss Jan Bain
Front, L-R: Miss Christine Elder
(Nancy's daughter); Miss Miriam Little
Picture: JBW Robertson
This was Nancy Elder's 12th victory, scoring
she would go on to win on a further four occasions.
Other scores: Miss Little 5; Mrs Hepburn 4˝;
Miss Elder 4; Mrs Shedden 3; Miss Whyte 2; Miss Bain 1˝; Mrs Maclean 1.

Scottish Championship 1971
David Levy (left) v Roddy McKay, and Gerald Bonner
Picture: J.B.W. Robertson

Scottish Championship 1971
In front, David Levy (left) v Rudolph Austin, and Bernard Partridge (left) v Willie Kelly
Picture: J.B.W. Robertson

1972 Scotsman School Trophy The winners, Ayr Academy. From l to r: David Findlay, Clement Caldwell, Alan Taylor and David Bentley.
(Thanks to Joe Parks, Steve Rivett and Stephen Hamilton for helping to identify Caldwell and Taylor.) Photo: JBW Robertson

The same event, showing both teams.
From left to right: unidentified; David Findlay; Clement Caldwell; Alan
Taylor; David Bentley (Ayr Academy); Ken Stevenson; Stephen Swanson;
Dave Mackay (partly hidden), Walter Buchanan (Allan Glen's School,
Glasgow), and John Glendinning, President of the Scottish Junior Chess
Association. Thanks to Walter Buchanan for his help on this one. Photo: JBW Robertson.

Madras College, circa 1972
Tim Upton is front left.

Paisley Grammar School team - Spring Jamboree 1972 ?
Back l-r: G. Morrison, Graeme Park, Robert Law, Fraser McLeod, C. Sutherland, Peter May
Front l-r: Iain Provan, Douglas Mill, Douglas McGregor, Gordon McAlpine, Alistair Balfour
Photo courtesy of Professor Iain Provan.
Thanks also to Douglas Mill for identification of some players.

Paisley Grammar School
Times Team Competition 1974
Five members of the team
(one is missing) that for the first time reached the semi-finals
of the Sunday Times competition in London in July 1974.
l-r: Douglas Mill (Bd 2), Iain Provan (Bd 3).
Front l-r:
Douglas McGregor (Bd 1), Arthur Stoddart (Bd 5), Gordon McAlpine
(Bd 4).
Details and photo courtesy of Professor Iain Provan.

Shettleston Congress (Glasgow), 24 March 1973, round 2. Jim O'Neill at the board.
Behind him, the taller of the two men is Eric Martin.
1973 Glasgow Congress. From left to right: Hugh Holmes;
Philip Giulian; Michael Rosenberg. These three shared 1st-3rd prizes in
the Open with 4/5. Rosenberg would later give up Chess to concentrate
on Bridge, becoming one of the most highly regarded players in the
world. (Gerald Bonner is partly obscured.)
Photo: JBW Robertson.

1973 Glasgow Congress. Walter Buchanan, winner of the Reserves with 4˝/5.
Photo: JBW Robertson

1973 Glasgow Congress. Stephen Swanson, winner of the Junior International with 4/5. Gerald Bonner is on the right.

1973 Scottish Congress. Joint winners of the Scottish Seniors' Championship, Claud Marshall (l) and Bernard Partridge (r). Behind is Walter Munn, then President of the Scottish Chess Association.

1973 Scottish Congress. Colin
McNab, aged 12, winner of the Junior Championship. Walter Munn, SCA
President is standing behind. The seated figure is Eric Allan, Scottish
Chess Association treasurer. (Thanks to Michael Freeman and David
Archibald in identifying Mr Allan.)

Scottish Championship 1974:
Ken Stewart nearest camera. In the background Dr Aitken (left) v Giulian
Photo by J.B.W. Robertson

Scottish Championship 1974:
A.M. Davie (glasses) losing to David Findlay
Photo by J.B.W. Robertson

Tim Upton, circa 1976

1976 Glasgow Congress. The winners
of the Under-12 tournament. On the left is Stephen Mannion, and it must be A.J. Mitchell
on the right, as both shared 1st and 2nd places with 10˝/11. In the middle is likely to be A.R. Liddle, who was 3rd.
Photo: JBW Robertson.
1976 Glasgow Congress. In the
middle must be the winner, A. Gallagher who scored 5˝/6. On the right
it looks like Alan Minnican, who was 2nd with 5, and on the left it is
likely to be either J. Doolan or J. Ross, as these players shared 3rd
and 4th places with 4˝.

1976 World Student Team Championship, Caracas, Venezuela. 9-22 August (1).
The Scottish team, from left to right: Roger Abayasekera, Stephen
Swanson, Iain Sinclair, Douglas Finnie and Douglas Tudhope. The
organisers are calling it the 23rd such event, probably because of the
two earliest events in 1952 and 1953 in Liverpool and Brussels not being
classed as 'official' events. Scotland finished 10th overall, coming
second in the Final Group 'B'. Iain Sinclair won a prize for the best
score on any board in that final.
Detailed results of the Scottish team can be found on the OlimpBase
web site, along with complete information on the tournament. There,
the event is listed as the 21st occasion of the tournament.
Photo: Iain Sinclair.

1976 World Student Team Championship, Caracas, Venezuela. 9-22 August (2). Iain Sinclair being awarded his trophy.

1976 World Student Team Championship, Caracas, Venezuela. 9-22 August. On the right, Werner Hug (Switzerland), World Junior Champion 1971.
Courtesy of Iain Sinclair, who states: "I enclose a photo (
Caracas 1976) of Werner attempting to persuade Steve Swanson that
the local beer was not all that bad!"

1977 World Student Team Championship, Mexico City. The
Scottish team was made up of Iain Sinclair, Stephen Swanson, Timothy
Upton, Walter Buchanan and Andrew Muir. Here, Sinclair (l) is up against
Vaganian of the USSR, with Tim Upton (l) and Andrew Muir spectating. "I
got stuffed!", says Iain, who supplied the photo. See OlimpBase for results.

1978, 1st World Youth Team Championship, Mexico City. Photo
courtesy of Iain Sinclair, middle row left, with the snazzy sideburns
and moustache. Most of the players have been identified.
Top row, left ro right:
Mikhalchishin (USSR); Ken Rogoff (USA); Shaun Taulbut (England).
Middle row:
Sinclair (Scotland); Two unidentified players; Larry Christiansen (USA).
Bottom row:
Fletcher Baragar (Canada); David Goodman ( England ); Alexander Kochiev (USSR).
Thakns to Jonathan Berry, Canadian Correspondence Chess IM,
Arbiter and chess journalist for help in identifying Baragar and
See detailed information about the event at OlimpBase:

Mexico City 1980 - 2nd World Youth
U-26 Team Championship
L-R: Paul Motwani, Tim Upton,
Graham Morrison, Alan Norris

Mexico City 1980 - 2nd World Youth
U-26 Team Championship
L-R: Andy Muir, Tim Upton, Graham
Morrison, Alan Norris

N.A. Macleod awarded the title of Grandmaster of Chess Composition, posthumously.

2010 World Braille Championships.
Stephen Hilton meeting the great Gligoric, who died 14 August 2012.
(Photo supplied by Stephen Hilton who died 16 April 2023.)