Daniel Harrwitz
Daniel Harrwitz (1821-1884) visited Scotland on
several occasions, by which time he had already established himself as
an expert 'blindfold' player.

The undernoted
advertisement, addressed to Edinburgh's chess players, appeared on the
front page of the 21 August 1848 issue of the Caledonian Mercury.

In the simultaneous blindfold display against
consulting opponents, Harrwitz won both games, against Mr Gordon & Dr
Robertson and Patterson & Meikle. (1849 Chess Player's Chronicle,
pp 195-197).
Another advertisement appeared on the same day
in a Glasgow newspaper:

Glasgow Herald,
21 August 1848, p.3
On Wednesday, August 23rd, Harrwitz played two
blindfold games 'on Wednesday evening week' against members of Glasgow
Chess Club, each of them against two players in consultation. Despite
the mention of the Star Hotel (George Square) as the venue, later
reports state that the event was held at the Athenaeum in Ingram
Street. Harrwitz scored one win and, after 61 moves, a draw in the
other game (Fife Herald, 31 August 1848, p2, quoting the
Glasgow Citizen.) The Glasgow CC players' were not named.
A similar blindfold
exhibition took place on Thursday, September 6th 1849 'in the splendid
room of the Club, Regent Hotel, Buchanan Street.'
There were about 100 spectators of the two
games, which commenced just after 7 p.m. and went on to 11.30 p.m.
Harrwitz scored one win and one loss. Once again, the newspaper report
did not name Harrwitz's opponents (Glasgow Herald, 10
September 1849, p4), but the Chess Player's Chronicle of 1849
(pp 290-291) showed that Harrwitz won against Stirling and McCombe,
but lost against Tilghman and Knott.
The undernoted advertisement appeared on the
front page of The Scotsman, Wednesday, September 12th 1849.

However, according to reports, the event took
place on Monday, September 17th. Play commenced at 6 p.m., with the
first game ending at 11 p.m. and the second at midnight. According to
The Scotsman, 19 September 1849, p3, Harrwitz won Game 1 against
Paterson and Purdie and drew Game 2 against Meikle and Halkett.
However, the 1849 Chess Player's Chronicle (pp 293 & 295),
the opponents in Game 1 were Paterson and Greenhill.
Harrwitz returned for
another two blindfold games against consulting teams of two members of
Glasgow CC on Thursday, September 26th at the club's rooms at the
Regent Hotel, Buchanan Street. Play continued until 1.30 a.m. the next
morning, when the players of Game 1 resigned. As the other game was
unfinished, it was agreed that it would be continued the next day,
though it was reported that Harrwitz had the superior position. (North
British Daily Mail, Monday, September 30th 1849, p2.)
Harrwitz then travelled to Edinburgh for a
similar exhibition against Edinburgh Chess Club players on Thursday,
October 3rd at the Philosophical Institution, 5 Queen Street. Harrwitz
scored one win and loss. (Caledonian Mercury, Monday, October
7th 1850, p3.)
Harrwitz then returned to Glasgow, for he was
present at a dinner on October 9 at the Glasgow CC clubroom at the
Regent Hotel, Buchanan Street in honour of Mr A.G. McCombe (North
British Daily Mail, 14 October 1850, p2).
During a visit to
Captain Otway, Barrack Master, Harrwitz introduced himself to the
Aberdeen Chess Club and offered to play two blindfold games against
consulting teams.
These games - in both of which Harrwitz gave
the odds of pawn and two moves - were played on Wednesday, 20 and
Thursday, 21 July. In the first, Harrwitz faced Messrs Henderson,
Matthews and Westland and won after three and a quarter hours and 45
moves. In the second, he was opposed by Messrs Baker, Smith and Dr
Geddes, and this he won after nearly six hours and 51 moves. (The
Aberdeen Journal, 27 July 1853, p54.)
Alan McGowan
Archivist/Historian, Chess Scotland
added 11/4/2020