A selection of images highlighting members of Scotland teams at the Olympiads.
Contributions welcome.
The team:
W.A. Fairhurst, G. Page, D. MacIsaac, A.J. Mackenzie, R.F. Combe

Three members of Scotland's team at Folkestone 1933.
From left-right: G. Page, Dr J.M. Aitken, R.F. Combe.
Photo taken at the 1939 Scottish Championship.
Aberdeen Press and Journal, 8 April 1939.

From Chess, 14 February 1937.
The team: J.M. Aitken, J. Montgomerie, G. Page, P. Reid, C. Pirie.

Aitken (left) and Pirie, 1937.
From The Courier and Advertiser, 22 February 1937, p.8.

The Olympiad's concluding banquet on 16 August at Restaurant Hasselbacken, Djurgården.
Third from left in the row of diners, nearest camera and facing right, is George Page.
Across the table, far right is possibly John Montgomerie, and second from right, is Charles Pirie.
Photo from Schackvärlden 1937, Nr. 9, courtesy of Peter Holmgren.
The team:
W.A. Fairhurst, M. Fallone, G. McGowan, A.A. Thomson, I. Middleton, Dr M. Rose.
NOTE: George McGowan is not related to the Chess Scotland historian.

Moscow 1956 - opening ceremony
Back row, right-left: Middleton, Fallone, Thomson, Col. Irvine-Fortescue, McGowan.
Photo: Michael Fallone

Moscow 1956
Michael Fallone (left) with Colonel W.G. Irvine-Fortescue, who accompanied the team as an official.
Photo: Michael Fallone

Deutsche Schachzeitung 1956, p. 321.

Moscow 1956
Michael Fallone (left) v Ivkov, Yugoslavia.
On the next
board: Middleton (left) v Karaklajic, then Dr Rose (left) v Milic.
Photo: Michael Fallone

Moscow 1956
Scotland v Saar in Final Group 'C'
The pairings were (Scotland on the left):
Fallone ½-½ Benkner
McGowan ½-½ Lorson
Thomson ½-½ Weichselbaumer
Middleton 0-1 Folz

Moscow Olympiad 1956 - Round 1
Aird Thomson, highlighted, against Mühring (Netherlands) ½-½
Photo: Fairhurst (via Gerald Bonner)
The team:
W.A. Fairhurst, J.M. Aitken, N.A. Macleod, N.A. Perkins, E.G.W. Beckingham, A.A. Thomson.

Munich 1958
N.A. Perkins (right) v Aldecoa (Philippines) in round 1 of Preliminary Group 3.

N.A. Macleod
The team:
W.A. Fairhurst, J.M. Aitken, M. Fallone, G. Bonner, R.W.M. Baxter, A.A. Thomson.

Tel Aviv 1964
From the left: Fallone, Bonner, Thomson, Fairhurst, Aitken and Baxter.
Photo: Michael Fallone

Tel Aviv 1964
France v Scotland
Final round of Preliminary Group 3
Boutteville 0-1 Fairhurst
Mazzoni ½-½ Aitken
Thiellement 0-1 Fallone
Zinser ½-½ Baxter
Photo: Michael Fallone
Scotland need to beat France 3-1 to
qualify for Final Group 'B'. At adjournment, only Fallone had recorded a
result. (Fallone recalls the occasion vividly in his Reminiscences.)
Baxter's game looked to be headed for a draw and Aitken was the
exchange ahead and looked set to win. Fairhurst's position did not offer
much hope.
On resumption, Baxter and Zinser drew
quickly, but things took a dramatic turn on the other boards. Aitken
erred and allowed a perpetual check, but Boutteville, who had to try for
a win because he expected Mazzoni to lose, overreached himself and
found himself in a lost ending in a game that went to 91 moves before
Fairhurst secured the vital win.

The same match, from the other end of the table.
Baxter (left) v Zinser in the foreground.
Photo: Michael Fallone

Tel Aviv 1964
Scotland v Chile, Final Group 'B', Round 13.
Baxter (left, board 4) v Espinoza
Bonner is away from the table (Jauregui)
Next is Fallone (Vergara), then Aitken (Ader)
Photo: Michael Fallone
The team:
W.A. Fairhurst, M. Fallone, K. McAlpine, C. Pritchett, M. Freeman, H. Holmes.

Havana Olympiad 1966
L-R: Hugh Holmes; Michael Freeman; William
Fairhurst; Maria del Carmen Marin (local guide); Kenneth McAlpine;
Craig Pritchett.
Source: Michael Fallone

Havana 1966
Kenneth McAlpine versus Reinhart Fuchs of East Germany.
Next is Hugh Holmes (l) against IM Burkhard Malich. Czech GM Hort looks on.
The Scots lost 1-3. The one bright spot was a fine victory by
Michael Fallone over GM Pietzsch, prompting Danish GM Larsen to offer
his congratulations. For more details of that game see Fallone's Reminiscences.
See also Freeman's Reminiscences.
(Photo: Michael Fallone)

Havana 1966
Craig Pritchett (aged 17) playing against Luxemburg. On the neighbouring board Michael Freeman (r) is facing Norbert Dietrich. Fairhurst spectates.
(Photo: Michael Fallone)

Havana 1966
The same match: Fallone (l) v Schneider, then Fairhurst (l) v Philippe.
(Photo: Michael Fallone)

Havana 1966
Scotland beat France 2½-½ in the first round of Final Group 'B'.
Fallone defeated Mazzoni, while on the next board McAlpine (r)
drew with Boutteville. Holmes lost to Huguet, while Pritchett beat
Zinser in 25 moves.
(Photo: Michael Fallone)

Havana 1966
Scotland v England in Final Group 'B', Round 2
Fairhurst 0-1 Clarke ■ Fallone ½-½ Lee ■ Pritchett 0-1 Hindle ■ Freeman ½-½ Keene
Scottish players facing camera: front right Fairhurst; left is Pritchett; at the back Freeman.
The Fallone-Lee table is out of sight.
Photo source: XVII. Schach olympiade Havanna 1966 (Sportverlag Berlin 1967)
The team:
W.A. Fairhurst, A.M. Davie, K. McAlpine, D.N.L. Levy, M. Freeman, R.M. McKay.

Lugano 1968
Roddy McKay on the left.
USSR Grandmaster David Bronstein (with glasses) was there with his wife as tourists.
Photo: Roddy McKay

Alexander Davie at Lugano 1968
Photo courtesy of Willy Icklicki

Roddy McKay is his game against Kristinsson of Iceland.
Photo: Roddy McKay

Siegen Chess Olympiad, Chess, Sutton Coldfield, p. 94.
The teams:
D.N.L. Levy, C. Pritchett, G. Bonner, P. Jamieson, B. Denman, Dr J.M. Aitken.
N.C. Elder, Mary McGinn, Miriam Little.

David Levy (left) against Miyasaka of Japan.
Chess Olympiad Skopje 1972, facing p. 185. (Batsford 1973.)

Mary McGinn (right) against Hausner of Austria.
Chess Olympiad Skopje 1972 (Belgrade 1972).
NICE 1974
The team:
C.W. Pritchett, R.M. McKay, D.N.L. Levy, P.M. Jamieson, G. Bonner, N.J. Young.
Karpov - Pritchett, 1-0 on board 1.
Position after 22. f2-f4?
Faced with impending time-trouble, Pritchett
quickly played 22...exf4, overlooking 22...Ne2+ 23. Rxe2 Bxe2 24. Qxe2 (24. Nxe5 Bxc4) Qxc4 25. Bf1 Qd4+ etc.
McKay - Korchnoy, 0-1 on board 2.

Spassky - Levy, 1-0 on board 3.

Jamieson - Tal, ½-½ on board 4.

Gerald Bonner at Nice Olympiad 1974.
Photo: BCM 1974, p. 275.
HAIFA 1976
The teams:
C.W. Pritchett, D.N.L. Levy, P.M. Jamieson, D.J. Findlay, S. Swanson, G. Bonner.
N.C. Elder, K. Hindle, M. Leask, L. Houston.

From left: Lynne Houston, Kathleen Hindle, Nancy Elder, Owen Hindle (TC), Muriel Leask.
Photo: Kathleen Hindle (see her photo archive here.)

Haifa 1976 - Scotland v Switzerland.
From left: Nancy Elder, Kathleen Hindle, Lynne Houston.
Photo: Kathleen Hindle

Peter Jamieson at Haifa.
Photo: BCM 1976, p. 560.

Craig Pritchett at Haifa.
Photo: BCM 1976, p. 560.
The teams:
C.W. Pritchett, D.N.L. Levy, P.M. Jamieson, T. Upton, P. Giulian, A. Reid.
L. Houston, K. Hindle, N.C. Elder, M. McGhee.

Buenos Aires 1978.
From left: Morag McGhee, Nancy Elder, Owen Hindle (TC), Kathleen Hindle and Lynne Houston.
Photo: Kathleen Hindle

Left-right: Kathleen Hindle, Craig Pritchett, Phil Giulian, Alan Reid, Lynne Houston, Tim Upton.
Photo: Kathleen Hindle
The teams:
C.W. Pritchett, S. Swanson, T. Upton, C.A. McNab, A. Norris, G. Bonner.
K. Hindle, N.C. Elder, R. Jackson, L. Houston.

Valletta 1980
Left-right: Kathleen Hindle, Rosie Giulian, Owen Hindle (TC), Nancy Elder, Lynne Houston.
Photo: Kathleen Hindle
The teams:
R.M. McKay, C.A. McNab, M. Condie, T. Upton, S. Swanson, D. Bryson
H. Milligan, A. Condie, K. Hindle, L. Morrison

Lucerne 1982
From the left:
Mark Condie, Douglas Bryson, Tim Upton, Stephen Swanson, Lynne Morrison (Houston), Colin McNab,
Alison Condie, Roderick McKay, Helen Milligan (Scott), Owen Hindle (Ladies' Team Captain), Kathleen Hindle
Photo: Kathleen Hindle

Lucerne 1982 - Scotland v Argentina
From the front: Helen Milligan, Alison Condie, Kathleen Hindle
Photo: Kathleen Hindle
The teams:
C.A. McNab, G. Morrison, T. Upton, D. Bryson, P. Giulian, A. Muir
H. Milligan, A. Coull, A. Condie, A. McLure
DUBAI 1986
The teams:
M. Condie, C.A. McNab, C.W. Pritchett, P. Motwani, D. Bryson, T. Upton
R. Giulian, A. Coull, H. Milligan, A. McLure

Dubai 1986
From left: Tim
Upton, Paul Motwani, Colin McNab
Photo: Alison Coull

Dubai 1986
From left:
Douglas Bryson, Alison Coull, Tim Upton
Photo: Alison Coull

Dubai 1986
L-R: Alison
Coull, Paul Motwani, Tim Upton, Phil Giulian (women's team captain),
Helen Milligan, Elaine Pritchett.
The figure on the right is
thought to be Jeremy James, who presented the Master Game on
television (per D. Bryson)
The teams:
P. Motwani, C.A. McNab, C. Thomson, G. Morrison, T. Upton, S. Mannion
A. Coull, H. Milligan, A. McLure, L. Morrison

Thessaloniki 1988
Tim Upton
(front) and Craig Thomson
Photo: Alison Coull

Thessaloniki 1988
On the
right: Tim Upton (front) and Graham Morrison
Photo: Alison Coull

Thessaloniki 1988
Tim Upton
(left) with GM Mark Hebden (England)
Photo: Alison Coull
The teams:
P. Motwani, C.A. McNab, C.W. Pritchett, A. Muir, D. Bryson, I. MacKay
H. Milligan, A. McLure, A. Coull, N. Fixter
Team manager: Tim Upton

Novi Sad 1990
From left:
Alison McLure, Ian Mackay, Tim Upton (team manager), Paul Motwani,
Douglas Bryson, Nancy Fixter.
Photo: Alison Coull

Novi Sad 1990
From left:
Tim Upton (team manager), Alison Coull, Helen Milligan, Nancy Fixter,
Alison McLure.
Photo: Alison Coull

Novi Sad 1990
From left:
Host President Milan Knezevic, Craig Pritchett, Upton, Motwani, McNab,
Muir, Bryson, Mackay.
Photo: Alison Coull
The teams:
P. Motwani, C. McNab, S. Mannion,
D. Bryson, A. Muir, D. Holmes
H. Milligan, A. Coull, A. McLure, N.
The teams:
P. Motwani, C. McNab, S. Mannion,
D. Bryson, J. Shaw, T. Upton
H. Milligan, C. Wilman, A. Coull, J.

Moscow 1994
Back (l-r):
Steve Mannion, Tim Upton, Jonathan Grant (team captain), John Shaw,
Colin McNab
Middle: Helen Milligan, Paul Motwani, Carey Wilman
Front: Joy Malarkey, Douglas Bryson, Alison Coull
Photo: Alison

Moscow 1994
Tim Upton
(left) and Douglas Bryson
Photo: Alison Coull
The teams:
P. Motwani, C. McNab, J. Rowson,
S. Mannion, J. Shaw, A. Muir
C. Wilman, H. Lang, A. King, S.
The teams:
S. Mannion, D. Bryson, T. Upton,
A. Norris, A. Muir, J. Grant
H. Lang, H. Milligan, L. Morrison

Elista 1988
L-R: Graham
Morrison (women's team captain, Steve Mannion, Lynne Morrison, Tim
Upton, Andy Muir (local staff), Jonathan Grant, Douglas Bryson. To the
right of Bryson is Helen Lang. In front are Alan Morris and Helen
Contributions would be appreciated.
Alan McGowan
Historian, Chess Scotland
Updated 10/05/2024