20-02-2013, 10:39 PM
Well played young Andrew.
White did indeed miss Nf3+. He missed it two moves earlier.
Amin Bassem (GM )2632 - Andrew Muir (IM) 2313. White to play.
[pos]2r2r2/pp1q1pbk/2np3p/2p1pb2/8/2PPBNP1/PP1Q2BP/R4RK1 w - - 0 1[/pos]
The tacical motif is a winning pin on the Black Queen.
The bones.
[pos]8/3q3k/8/5b2/8/3P4/6B1/5RK1 w - - 0 1[/pos]
White can play Rxf5 answering ...Qxf5 with Be4.
So we go back to the original diagram.
[pos]2r2r2/pp1q1pbk/2np3p/2p1pb2/8/2PPBNP1/PP1Q2BP/R4RK1 w - - 0 1[/pos]
And we see the plan opening up infront of our eyes with 1.Nxe5 and 2.Rxf5
Perhaps (I've added 'perhaps' but after years of studying blunders and their
causes, I'm sure I'm on the right course.)
The error has slippd in because there are three ways for Black to take back on e5.
1....Nxe5, 1....Bxe6 and 1....dxe5 and had to check each one before playing 1.Nxe5
and confirming the Rxf5 trick was still on.
At the moment the square f3 is covered twice and in two of the lines.
1...exe5 and 1...Bxe5 the square f3 is not hit.
if there was only one way to take back on e5, 1...Nxe5 then the GM's warning bells
may have/would have kicked in.
(also White's mind is on Queen Winning Pins, not Queen Losing Forks.)
Here is what happened.
[pgn][FEN "2r2r2/pp1q1pbk/2np3p/2p1pb2/8/2PPBNP1/PP1Q2BP/R4RK1 w - - 0 1"]
1. Nxe5 Nxe5 2. Rxf5 {And White has won an important pawn. Black cannot capture back on f5 because of 2.Be4 end of anlysis and 1-0.} 2... Qxf5 {But Black did take back and White now realised his lemon. He played Rf1 then resigned after Qe6. He missed.} 3. Be4 Qxe4 4. dxe4 Nf3+ 5. Kg2 Nxd2 6. Bxd2 {Black is a Rook up.}[/pgn]
Can we not stop the PGN thing from kicking in till the reader is ready for it?
Also the page load up a lot quicker.
White did indeed miss Nf3+. He missed it two moves earlier.
Amin Bassem (GM )2632 - Andrew Muir (IM) 2313. White to play.
[pos]2r2r2/pp1q1pbk/2np3p/2p1pb2/8/2PPBNP1/PP1Q2BP/R4RK1 w - - 0 1[/pos]
The tacical motif is a winning pin on the Black Queen.
The bones.
[pos]8/3q3k/8/5b2/8/3P4/6B1/5RK1 w - - 0 1[/pos]
White can play Rxf5 answering ...Qxf5 with Be4.
So we go back to the original diagram.
[pos]2r2r2/pp1q1pbk/2np3p/2p1pb2/8/2PPBNP1/PP1Q2BP/R4RK1 w - - 0 1[/pos]
And we see the plan opening up infront of our eyes with 1.Nxe5 and 2.Rxf5
Perhaps (I've added 'perhaps' but after years of studying blunders and their
causes, I'm sure I'm on the right course.)
The error has slippd in because there are three ways for Black to take back on e5.
1....Nxe5, 1....Bxe6 and 1....dxe5 and had to check each one before playing 1.Nxe5
and confirming the Rxf5 trick was still on.
At the moment the square f3 is covered twice and in two of the lines.
1...exe5 and 1...Bxe5 the square f3 is not hit.
if there was only one way to take back on e5, 1...Nxe5 then the GM's warning bells
may have/would have kicked in.
(also White's mind is on Queen Winning Pins, not Queen Losing Forks.)
Here is what happened.
[pgn][FEN "2r2r2/pp1q1pbk/2np3p/2p1pb2/8/2PPBNP1/PP1Q2BP/R4RK1 w - - 0 1"]
1. Nxe5 Nxe5 2. Rxf5 {And White has won an important pawn. Black cannot capture back on f5 because of 2.Be4 end of anlysis and 1-0.} 2... Qxf5 {But Black did take back and White now realised his lemon. He played Rf1 then resigned after Qe6. He missed.} 3. Be4 Qxe4 4. dxe4 Nf3+ 5. Kg2 Nxd2 6. Bxd2 {Black is a Rook up.}[/pgn]
Can we not stop the PGN thing from kicking in till the reader is ready for it?
Also the page load up a lot quicker.