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To tread amongst those more experienced than me....

There is also the introspective observation school of thought in relation to education promoted by Vygotsky and Piaget. To boil it down rather harshly this can be seen in schools now in metacognitive strategies - "tell them WHY we are teaching this" - and self reflection by learners - helping them see how they are learning and what they can do to improve/learn grow. In my limited experience this fits well with learning and improving in chess. Why am I learning this and what can I do to improve?

To me the mindset discussion is swallowed up in these ideas - those who are naturally talented may have a "fixed mindset" as they do not need to improve to win and don't see any need to improve. Those with a "growth mindset" may be those who are reflecting on their games (at any level of appreciation or skill) and looking for areas of improvement no matter how small.

In any event, whatever view you take, being able to spot those mindsets or reflective abilities and produce an input which will have a positive impact is a different kettle of fish altogether....

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