14-11-2011, 11:39 PM
Stephen, Craig and others have talked about self belief.
I think that self belief is a key to being able to do almost anything to your best ability.
I also think that vast numbers of the world's top sportsmen profess belief in a creator. I think that shows a humble attitude to their talent. They are almost saying that their talent isn't their credit it's their creators credit. Many top sportsmen will even almost immediately give credit to God after a winning performance.
There are many Biblical passages which state that such an attitude will receive more blessing.
Then motivation is important. Why would someone give glory to God? Out of love for their creator or for what they get back out of that? Purifying the motivation is a daily thing which requires some time and contemplation.
So for me, there is a spritual aspect to progress a spiritual aspect which the scientists and psychologists will never acknowledge. If a top sportsmans ability is all about themselves then that has limited value. When it is connected to something bigger than themselves then it has bigger value.
This isn't a material value but rather a spiritual value.
When a child sponges everything in and performs difficult skills beautifully and learns them within 1 40 minute period as I have seen countless times you just marvel at the incredible gift we all have which is our lives to enjoy such experiences. The experience of teaching and indeed the experience of learning and ofcourse much much more. Not one of us created ourselves.
This is the secret ingredient which will often determine the greatest i.e. Muhammed Ali from the excellent but not 'great' sportsman.
So I say to youngsters never doubt your ability and never doubt your talent and if someone comes along trying to get you to do so, see the doubting thomas spirit behind them! At the same time be humble to the gift which is your talent.
The greatest self belief comes from centering that belief on something bigger than yourself. The belief that you have a loving creator who has counted every hair on your head amongst many other things.
Mike at the start of this thread you asked for thoughts.
I've just given some =)
I think that self belief is a key to being able to do almost anything to your best ability.
I also think that vast numbers of the world's top sportsmen profess belief in a creator. I think that shows a humble attitude to their talent. They are almost saying that their talent isn't their credit it's their creators credit. Many top sportsmen will even almost immediately give credit to God after a winning performance.
There are many Biblical passages which state that such an attitude will receive more blessing.
Then motivation is important. Why would someone give glory to God? Out of love for their creator or for what they get back out of that? Purifying the motivation is a daily thing which requires some time and contemplation.
So for me, there is a spritual aspect to progress a spiritual aspect which the scientists and psychologists will never acknowledge. If a top sportsmans ability is all about themselves then that has limited value. When it is connected to something bigger than themselves then it has bigger value.
This isn't a material value but rather a spiritual value.
When a child sponges everything in and performs difficult skills beautifully and learns them within 1 40 minute period as I have seen countless times you just marvel at the incredible gift we all have which is our lives to enjoy such experiences. The experience of teaching and indeed the experience of learning and ofcourse much much more. Not one of us created ourselves.
This is the secret ingredient which will often determine the greatest i.e. Muhammed Ali from the excellent but not 'great' sportsman.
So I say to youngsters never doubt your ability and never doubt your talent and if someone comes along trying to get you to do so, see the doubting thomas spirit behind them! At the same time be humble to the gift which is your talent.
The greatest self belief comes from centering that belief on something bigger than yourself. The belief that you have a loving creator who has counted every hair on your head amongst many other things.
Mike at the start of this thread you asked for thoughts.
I've just given some =)