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Richardson & Spens results
hamish olson Wrote:
andyburnett Wrote:
Adam Bremner Wrote:I really hope that the decision is only made public after the final, as publically releasing the outcome of it would certainly help one of the teams prep.

I also find it sad to note that someone has been discussing our team selection with our opponents, which they are now trying to act upon.

As for taking a running jump, I'd rather not, unless of course it is into a swimming pool of champagne to celebrate our victory.

-I wouldn't expect or want the result to be made public before the final for the reasons you give.

-Apparently it's been reasonably common knowledge (as a rumour) since about an hour after the semi-final. You should look at your own team first perhaps - but feel free to thank me for getting your captain/whoever to do the job he ought to have done in the first place (re: checking bona fide membership status with the arbiter/controller). You're welcome. Anytime.

-I don't think a victory either way would be a surprise now. However, beating Hamilton is one thing; beating the Dragons quite another Wink Not surprised, though, that you felt your team was needing a 'wee bit extra' to give us a decent match.

Has your captain checked the bona fide status of all your players?? I was at the AGM of the wandering dragons this season (unlike someone!) and I seem to recall discussion about how for example one Alan Tate had not paid his membership fee for two consecutive seasons? I would have to wrack my brains a bit to go back to last season but I seem to recall a lovely win as black vs calum macqueen and an exciting draw against IM steve mannion (again as black) - seems dragons feels they could do with a little non bona fide extra too perhaps. The reason I have not mentioned this earlier (and am not going to make an issue of it as I have too much class for that) is that I was (and am!) just wanting to play a nice friendly match on saturday with my second club (I was absolutely delighted when dragons beat Poly!) and think that Alan Minnican has enough of a life not to be worrying about the small print.
Interestingly the other main topic of conversation that I recall from the AGM (I only attended the first two thirds as it was clashing with Adam's birthday party - I felt it sufficiently important to help ensure a good attendance at the AGM to miss a good chunk of the festivities but not all of it!) was a certain individual negatively affecting the match with Hamilton on behalf of the club by creating lots of tension on the forum in the week before hand, and it was agreed that people were not to behave as if they were speaking for Wandering Dragons club as it was bigger than one man! Please note I do not blame Alan Minnican, the dragons team captain for any of this as it was him who was so keen for dragons to have friendly relations with richardson opponents in future! I don't think its me who's doing the gamesmanship here sadly.

What exactly do you have too much class for Hamish? Not much by the sound of things!
- I wasn't at the AGM for the same reason I didn't play 6 of our league fixtures - I work and can't always get back from Edinburgh in time.
- Can't comment on the Alan Tate issue; I wasn't at the AGM and no-one has ever mentioned this previously to me, including yourself in conversations with me.
- I seem to recall you posting in support of my argument in the week prior to the Hamilton match, with some very negative statements about Andy Muir and Hamilton included. It's still there, check it out. Perhaps it was you they were referring to at the AGM?
-I gave you a heads-up about the eligibility of Jonathan Rowson or whoever so you could check things out before Saturday, so there wouldn't be a problem. If there is a problem, it's of your making. Gamesmanship? Smile)

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