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Yellow and Red cards
Yellow & Red cards are for football as Andy said. Our sport is chess however, so surely it would have to be Black & White cards?

The idea is a bit of a non-starter anyhow. Many of us have made a post after a long hard day at work, in a moment of frustration, or with the distraction of kids running around us (in my case), or after a few glasses of sauvignon blanc (erm again in my case).

But many of us have recently made an apology, or retracted some comments after a bit of reflection (myself included here). There is nothing wrong with making a mistake and its all normal stuff on a notice board. You get a few that are stubborn and stick to a point no matter how ridiculous it may be perceived by the majority. Again thats normal, and it would be their perogative, but also their reputation in the chess world on the line.

We can live with that, the rare moments of personal nature and feuds is another issue and is where perhaps moderation is needed.

KEVIN: Sorry to have to do respectfully disagree with you once more. I understand why there is the suggestion to remove the notice board, and am sure many would agree. It would hamper the overall chess contact/discussion in Scotland and impact the majority negatively. We are too far behind the rest of the chess world and similarly sized smaller nations to be handicapping ourselves further than we already are.

The recent Richardson thread seems to have been blown out of proportion in my opinion. Aspects of it are open to ones own interpretation. It could be deemed childish, theatrical, unsavoury, spicy, gamesmanship, I can see all that. But for me it is essentialy just a debate about a couple of points and a bit of pre-match build up and excitment. I can't see the problem with the thread or the need for moderation in it.

I personaly like transparency in an organisation, however it comes about, and it is good as a member to know what is going on with the Tromso debacle, or the Richardson Final dispute and other current issues. Edward Snowden forms of information sharing seems to be the modern way these days!

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