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World Youth Championships
Hi all,

Been very difficult to get internet connection so apologies for lack of an update.

After a few teething problems the squad are starting to settle down in their so far sunny and hot location in a central area of Brazil (Goias State)

In the first round our youngsters have had a really tough day but all gave it everything and some were very
unlucky to get nothing out of their endeavours. Andrew Newton was totally winning and got cheapo'd at the end of his game. Hamish held his 2312 opponent all the way and had him very worrid with only 10 minutes to Hamish's 30 minutes left on clock in an equal looking position. Hamish had bishops for Knights but eventually his opponents advanced knights won the day. Then at the very end of the day Maryann accepted a draw offer from her higher rated opponent to get our first half point. What a tough day! but our youngsters are a credit to themselves their families and CS. I expect them to come out stonger today.
We are all safe and well and I'd say up for it.


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