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Richardson & Spens results
We played Hamilton in the Spens QF, in the days prior to the match their captain was struggling to raise a team. They did manage to get 6 in the end. It did surprise me given the size of the club. But then I had similar bother raising a team for our Rosebowl match, it is always more difficult to get a team together for away matches with travel required. If I am not mistaken there was 1 default in the Richardson's during an earlier round and this would be the only default in the Spens. Not ideal but it could be a lot worse.

The change to a 5 board structure to the Spens is going to solve these problems next season, while making travel arrangements easier, and is a good call by Keith.

The Spens is clearly struggling as a tournament and in terms of interest to play in it. My club was a last minute entry and that only made it a respectful 8 team knockout. I have suggested a central venue format on set dates given at start of season to Keith, much like the SNCL. Not sure if other clubs have an appetite for that structure, be it the Richardson's or Spens?

I'd like to see the Spens jazzed up, and the potential is there for it to become a 16 team tournament.

I also think we should do away with the snack/refreshment rule. It is just giving team captains extra stress and requiring further club expenditure.

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