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2014 Junior International Events
Matthew Turner Wrote:Phil,
Of course the organisers are not going to allow ChessScotland to send two U14's for example instead of an U14 and an U8. However, if for example ChessScotland chose to send 2 U14's and an U8, then they will be charged 2 lots of several hundred pounds for the free places and one lot of several thousand pound for the additional place. Surely, it is then up to the Junior Director/team to decide how this money is recouped from the parents?

I have a short answer to that which is NO!
The host invite one player from each age group to take the free place. How can it be right if an U8 is selected to play but as they are not that good & there are two U12's that are really good & both deserve a place the U8 can pay to enable both the U12 to be funded. How can that be fair? If an U8 is selected it is because they are the best in Scotland for their age group & therefore they have earnt that place. If both U12's deserve a place an alternative route to making that happen needs to be found so its not to the detriment of the U8.

I recall when I believe Donna was IJD that there were 3 u18's that all deserved a place. There were 3 International events being attended so they (Connor Woods, Matthew O'Donnell & a n other I believe) were given a choice if which one they wished to attend with the highest grade getting first choice. they all then benefitted from not only being able to attend the event but also getting the funded place. the alternative would have been for them all to go to all three & share the one place of funding at each.

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