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2014 Junior International Events
Tommy Lennox Wrote:If my reading is correct and this is the places allocated by the tournament, I would question the legality of doing so. It would leave Chess Scotland open to the parent of any child who was due to get such a place and would have to pay a premium for their child to attend. Utterly disgraceful. Any parent who was like minded could surely take this to the Ethics Committee at FIDE and Chess Scotland would have the book thrown at them. Very ill thought out indeed!

Maybe someone would be as kind as to come on and confirm this to us all. Either way I think we should be voicing our displeasure if this is the case and contacting the relevant directors.

Sean has already confirmed that this is not happening.

seanmilton Wrote:
Derek Howie Wrote:Does this mean that you are implementing the previously mooted are taking funded places from one age group and are giving them to another?


FIDE are quite clear in that they offer one free place per age group for boys and girls. I'm sure FIDE would look upon this unfavourably if Scotland took these funded places and started giving them to other age groups.

The only way that you could do it is by getting one child and charging them and effectively giving that cash to another parent. The first parent would need to have this fact fully explained to them or otherwise there would be deception.

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