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2014 Junior International Events
Mike Scott Wrote:Derek
Quote:Surely the rules should be established first, as everything else could be a waste of everyone's time and energy if it's not?

Not knowing the rules (or facts) has never stopped anyone 'wasting' their own energy in a debate!

I would assume that the directors will check that whatever they propose is FIDE legal.

Mike as you know its never safe to assume anything.

From Alex McFarlane's post last night it is apparent that he, as tournament director of a big international tournament in Glasgow this summer was not approached for his views.

The simple fact is that for both the Commonwealth and the Euroyouth and Worldyouth events the hosts/Fide set the rules for free board and accommodation places. Entrants have to abide by those rules.

I did a dangerous thing myself in the week. I assumed that no one from CS had approached the Euroyouth organisers directly to ask the question. Therefore I did so myself.
I did my best to avoid asking a loaded leading question.

The answer came back to me the same evening

Your view is very interesting and partly I share it.
But there are rules and we should act according to the rules.

It seems my wording was so neutral that the tournament director actually thought that I was asking for this CS policy to be applied.

A fraction of an evening's work ledto a clear and concise refusal to allow the free places to be used other than one per section.

Yet we are told recently on this notice board that

The method used has been well thought through having been deliberated by the selection committee for over a year. The impact of the change on FIDE, the tournament organiser, the players and the parents have all been considered.

It is wholly inadequate to consider the response of people at great length - you have to communicate with them.




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