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Inverness 2014
Thanks to everyone who helped make the second Inverness Congress work at the weekend. Huge thanks to John McNicoll for all the hard work.

A special, massive thank you to all the players and the Chieftain Hotel who contributed to the fundraising, organised by Lisa, for the MacMillan Cancer Charity. The sum of £258.20 was raised over the weekend for the Charity, in memory of Robert Rough.

Apologies to everyone for not getting the grading data to Douglas in time for this weeks update. It has been sent now. In the meantime performance tables can be found here -

Open - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _Open.html</a><!-- m -->

Major - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... Major.html</a><!-- m -->

Minor - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... Minor.html</a><!-- m -->

For the prize winners who had to leave early, I will be doing the rest of the admin. for Inverness (and for Ayr for that matter) at the weekend and prizes should be with you shortly after. I thank you, in advance, for your patience.
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