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Jacqui Thomas Wrote:Andy, how come only 24 took part when capacity allows 30-32?

I'll field this one...
We only had 24 players due to the limitations of the accommodation. There are only 33 beds (counting double beds as 1 bed as we don't want any top and tailing) we then had 2 arbiters, 2 chaperones, 1 coach and 2 spectators (Euan and Eilidh as Karen and Andy were chaperoning/arbiting).

So, 33-2-2-1-2 = 26 beds, of those two beds not used one would have been in a room of four which would be fine but the other would have been in a room with the adults and I think that would have detracted from that person’s experience. As such, we could have had 25 players but then someone would have sat out each round which I wasn’t keen on so 24 it was.

For next year, as they said in Jaws "We're going to need a bigger boat" to accommodate more players. Also, as an aside, the playing hall was pretty much full with the 8 live boards and 4 wooden boards; I doubt we could accommodate any more boards and if we get more live boards there would be no chance that the dinning hall would be big enough.
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