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Glorney Teams

Golding, Alex 1752 
Moreby, James E 1496 
Willow, Jonah B 1810 
Ahluwalia, Amardip 1645 
Davies, Alexander 1464 
Howell, Oliver W 1485
Average: 1608

Byrne, Alex 1599 
Li, Henry 1884 
O`Gorman, Tom 1666 
Dwyer, Daniel 1429 
Gallagher, Matthew 1319 
Haque, Mustakim-Ul 1234 
Average: 1522

Volland, Ben 1273 
Richmond, Liam 1243 
Berera, Siddharth 1088 
Hartman, James 857 
Harper, Sam 974 
Campbell, Michael 983 
Average: 1070

Our Stokes team were outgraded by more than 400 elo on average against Ireland and England. Sometimes you just have to congratulate your opponents and say that they had the better teams.

I agree that we can learn from what other nations are doing. But I disagree that we need to "look seriously" at our selection procedures. It would not have mattered which team we sent in the Stokes, they would have been heavily outgraded. And, having seen our coaching set up, I am confident that it's heading in the right direction. The rate of improvement of many of our players is highly encouraging. I really don't think we can look at a couple of 6-0 defeats in isolation and suggest everything is a complete disaster. Those matches were closer than the scorelines would suggest. Learn lessons... absolutely. But coaching takes time; so let's give it time.

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