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StevieHilton Wrote:
Adam Bremner Wrote:A lot of interest in this motion!

Can I just get something clarified Steve, ideally with a straight yes or no. If the motion goes through, would Edinburgh Chess Club be able to use their premises to hold open events such as Winter Chess (lower sections) and the Elite Armageddon?

If yes, then great. If no, then surely you can appreciate a word change from must to should. These events can only take place because the venue is privately owned, and the hosting of them is in the interest of all chess players in Scotland. I am sure you wouldn't want these events to fold, especially when there has never been an issue in the past regarding access. Perhaps the way round it is that any new venues going forward must comply, but existing venues should be allowed to continue under the proviso they make every reasonable effort to accommodate disabled players, as is currently the case.

There is nothing to stop Edinburgh CC holding these events, but unless alternative supervised accommodation is found for those who need it then it cannot be FIDE rated.

Thanks for replying Steve. OK and in the case of CS rated events, when you say it is up to CS to decide, does that mean that (1) they decide on passing motion 1 which would in turn prohibit CS rated events under the same conditions, OR (2) that they would decide after motion 1 was passed in a separate decision, which in turn implies motion 1 does not in itself prohibit these events. I think that is the bit that myself (and possibly Robin) is getting at.

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