13-12-2011, 03:48 PM
In season 2007 - 8 (which I think Phil is really meaning as my Jonny was P7 in 2006 Dec.) the J11 (and those normally in P7) top 3 players based on published grades:-
Thomas Daniel 1051
McDonald Calum Fraser 1099
McDonald Ian 1329
Interestingly the 10th J16 in 2007-8 had a published rating of 1237, in 2011 - 12 ? 1166 so that is a -71 pts drop.
You certainly put a lot of hard work and time as IJD - and we remain grateful for the chances this gave Jonny -, and as part of the SJC organising events, but I am not sure exactly what initiatives and actions as IJD you are referring to that would have contributed to the claimed improvements amongst the lower rated juniors who would never attend an international event.
Thomas Daniel 1051
McDonald Calum Fraser 1099
McDonald Ian 1329
Interestingly the 10th J16 in 2007-8 had a published rating of 1237, in 2011 - 12 ? 1166 so that is a -71 pts drop.
You certainly put a lot of hard work and time as IJD - and we remain grateful for the chances this gave Jonny -, and as part of the SJC organising events, but I am not sure exactly what initiatives and actions as IJD you are referring to that would have contributed to the claimed improvements amongst the lower rated juniors who would never attend an international event.