19-08-2014, 11:19 PM
David Deary;
The examples I gave were not scenarios but actual events that happened in Ayrshire chess, David it happened to our club Greenwood. We have been on the receiving end of unreasonable demands from a disabled player.
and finally;
Everyone agrees that disabled players are not discriminated against, everyone agrees that disabled players are catered for in tournaments so why would we need these "guidelines"? There are very experienced organisers like Keith Rose, Steve Clark, Duncan Campbell, Glynis Grant et al who, in my opinion, have no need for any guidelines. They run very successful tournaments, with disabled competitors participating, and no issues arising. I honestly feel that we dont need this motion to be passed.
Quote: What troubles me is the glee that certain posters take in tearing things to shreds, inventing doomsday scenarios and zombie apocalypses without so much as a constructive comment... I don't think its unreasonable to expect people to be constructive.
Quote:The more fanciful scenarios dreamed up, I feel, only serve to obscure the real issues by taking attention away from them.
The examples I gave were not scenarios but actual events that happened in Ayrshire chess, David it happened to our club Greenwood. We have been on the receiving end of unreasonable demands from a disabled player.
and finally;
Everyone agrees that disabled players are not discriminated against, everyone agrees that disabled players are catered for in tournaments so why would we need these "guidelines"? There are very experienced organisers like Keith Rose, Steve Clark, Duncan Campbell, Glynis Grant et al who, in my opinion, have no need for any guidelines. They run very successful tournaments, with disabled competitors participating, and no issues arising. I honestly feel that we dont need this motion to be passed.