05-10-2014, 03:26 PM
Patrick McGovern Wrote:are there any players with physical disabilities in the finals?There could easily have been as there were two disabled players (one requiring wheelchair access) playing in the Nancy Elder and there was one pool player in the Spens who is unable to climb stairs
George Murphy Wrote:Loss of electricity supply?I think its more to do with Oxygen supply and being trapped but I'm sure your point is also relevant
George Murphy Wrote:I don’t think you are being pedantic at all. Fire resistant lift? Isn’t the usual advice in case of Fire not to use lifts at all? Loss of electricity supply?thanks for the vote of confidence George My understanding is that lifts are vetted and in general not able to be used in the case of a fire. I'm surprised at this room being available as the only exit (apart from the fire exit) leads to both the lift and the internal stairwell. As I've already stated the only other exit I am aware of is the fire exit which can only be used by able bodied people. Perhaps there is another exit I am not aware of. From Fide's I'm not sure what would happen if the lift became available say three weeks before the finals or sooner and a wheelchair user was intending to use the lift. If I may, the way the Nancy Elder tournament was played out, a wheelchair user could have played at this years final. The Nancy Elder is not FIDE rated but the other tournaments are therefore accepting the FIDE guidelines does take on an onus of responsibility separate from the local authority. Remember it only takes one disabled person to be unable to participate in an event and then the whole tournament does not get FIDE rated, not just that round.
I think in general there has to be an "what if" policy in place, perhaps as a general rule policy play all FIDE rated games at ground level with suitable access. If games are played on the first floor, then considerable thought into playing conditions for disable players, particularly wheelchair access should take place.
I haven't had much feedback from other clubs about disabled members requirements although perhaps this should take place at regional level where chess leagues manage their own tournaments