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Appearance fees for our best players
David Deary Wrote:Phil,

As ever you use very select statistics that justify your point of view. I’m not a man to deal in generalities – as you say Jacob was IJD for a short time. John Shaw did some coaching. I believe Robin is correct when he states their support ‘currently’ has been zilch the facts don’t lie. I almost scoffed when I read that 50% of GMs have provided “significant” amounts of coaching time – significant is very subjective. As Robin stated no apology is necessary if our top players aren’t happy they can come on this board and justify it. I’m open to the debate as at least we’d know they were still around.


Quote: From the beginning you have addressed notice board and selectors as if you were the IJD. Maybe that is Paul's management style. In future the assistance I give to the new regime will be zilch. Does that, I wonder, make me an honorary GM ?

Again, I laughed out loud reading this.

On Robin’s coaching my brother thoroughly enjoyed it and asked me when he was getting his next session on endgame coaching.

I think you are being rather unfair on him in that regard and if anyone deserves an apology it is Robin. In my view that was a thinly veiled personal attack. If Robin is guilty of anything it is being overly enthusiastic and in my opinion that’s what we need! I don’t know if you are having withdrawal symptoms since leaving the IJD post but you should support the new ‘regime’ with constructive feedback/criticism not attempting to undermine it!

Quote: The shortage of funding is an issue, and I'm not sure what we're going to do about it - though we still haven't lost the grant yet have we? - but I doubt that cutting the support to our top players is the best way to solve it.

Hugh, I’m not sure we are talking about cutting funding to top players quite the opposite we are talking about pulling funding from Juniors and moving it to our top players. In my view the current split between the International Junior budget and International Budget should remain the same.

Quote: What about the support Staff? Heads of Delegation, Arbiters, Coaches etc. We have to take holidays as well to put the events on as well as the large amounts of time taken to get the events on in the first place. What would happen if we took the attitude of "I'm not doing a 9 round tournament for less than £1000?"

Hear Hear! You guys are the ones keeping Chess in Scotland ticking over and unlike Angus I don’t believe it would be quite as easy to replace you. The experience that yourself, Donald, Alex et al have could not be replaced with a few months of training. In an ideal world you guys should receive remuneration for your efforts and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth reading appearance fees of £1,000 for GMs when you guys are lucky to get 1% of that for controlling the same tournament. Sickening… :\

2 comments I need to make and then the rest will be silence - at the request of my wife.

(1) Selective statistics I included all Grandmasters resident in Scotland when I talked about contributions made by the top players. 2 out of 4 contributing in recent times is I still suggest significant.

Support for the endgame coaching programme once you exclude the Thomas family who vote 2 to 1 against has come from the following clubs


(2) It is not acceptable and it will never be acceptable for visitors to my home to tell me to be quiet in front of my children.

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