22-12-2011, 12:53 PM
Quote:Mike, I'm sure he learned a lot in respect of prepaing for opponents etc that he may not have got elsewhere. He may have struggled but hopefully it helped him become a better player and more prepared for his next trip and was an important part of his chess development.
No actually it didn't - he came away with a lack of confidence and when he returned at the next event and struggled at the start that lack of confidence of being good enough kicked in and he played well below how he played at home. Yes there were lessons but he would have learnt far more had he played in other less fierce events and built up to that experience. His strength as a player has come from hard work and gradually moving through sections in home congresses.
I can not comment on recent events - but I think they have been smaller squads for a start which ispart of my point.
Quoting improvements following trips to liverpool indicates that someone has missed the point for two reasons.
a. I am not saying that players do not benefit from such trips - in fact I am saying the reverse. What I am saying is that to maximise the benefit they need to go to events that are appropriate to their skill/experience.
b. Quoting an increase in this manner is meaningless. You need to establish what they would have improved by had they not gone to an event before you can determine whether that particular event has had an effect. As an example laste season Jonny went to Euros, Shivan did not. Whose grading increased the most? Shivan's. Does this prove anything? Nope.