29-04-2015, 10:27 AM
"Let me explain what the aim is of the new definition of sport....The new definition also extends to sports or games that involve mental, as well as physical, aspects. There is no justification for continuing to prefer the physical to the mental, given that those two aspects appear to be of similar significance....I should say that I was never a chess player as a child as it was too complicated for me. I was more of a backgammon player, but I am unsure whether backgammon will be able to make its case."
Hansard 25 Oct 2006 - column 1569-70
Ed Miliband as Minister for the Third Sector, with responsibility for voluntary and charity organisations.
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Hansard 25 Oct 2006 - column 1569-70
Ed Miliband as Minister for the Third Sector, with responsibility for voluntary and charity organisations.
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