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What do you do outside the Chess scene?
Hi David

My sons use GameKnot quite happily. I use, Chessworld, and Red Hot Pawn. Give them a try. You don't have to subscribe to any of them but you can still get 5 or 6 (sometimes more) games at a time for free. (Exception - If 2 or more of you use the same computer they will stop your access to the site unless you subscribe)

As for what I do outside chess

I work in libraries

I don't play any online games - never could get into them or see the point of them Sad Bowls or snooker on the other hand...

Holidays are for people with itchy feet ! - seriously, day trips are stressful enough for me and I need to lie down in a darkened room when I get home Big Grin

Beer or wine ? Tea or Irn-Bru are just fine (caffeine rush or sugar rush, take your pick) 8)

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