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Richardson/Spens - what next?
Just to add to my previous post, it's possible to implement any changeover to a Super Cup / Scottish Cup series in 2015-16 immediately (and not wait until 2016-17, as I'd assumed). As follows:

1. In 2015-16, Spens Cup begins (as open Scottish Cup), with the four (4) 2015-16 semi-finalists qualifying for the 2015-16 Richardson (Super Cup). The Spens (Scottish) Cup final would conclude as usual end-April 2016, with the Richardson (Super Cup) 4 team, all-play-all weekend taking place late-May 2016.

2. Thereafter, top two teams from Richardson late-May 2016 weekend pre-qualify for the following year's late-May 2017 Richardson (Super Cup) weekend along with the two finalists in that year's 2016-17 Spens (Scottish) Cup (or semi-finalists, if the two finalists happen to be the already pre-qualified top two from the Richardson late-May 2016 weekend) ... and so on.

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