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Richardson/Spens - what next?
George - I'd first like to say thank you for taking the initiative with these polls. They have elicited more of a response than direct approaches to clubs and teams. Although I emailed every club and every Richardson and Spens team captain I received responses from just one club, two team captains and one 'ordinary' club member. Thanks to the polls there is now some direction for the 'what next' question.

I agree with your reading of the results and I confess to being a bit surprised at some of the results, I really thought there was a desire for radical change but these results suggest otherwise. In fact it looks as though the only element with a call for change is the 30-mile restriction in the bona fide rules, and that one is quite close. The distance restriction will go but other parts of the bona fide rule will have to change too, so if there are any opinions out there please do share. I'll put forward my own thoughts a little later

Quote:the current arrangement gives unfair advantage to teams where players have similar ratings
Can you clarify what you mean? What arrangement and what is the advantage?

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