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I don't think the naming convention is entirely to do with the technicalities of mapping, I simply suggested that it would make it easier. Even easier will be what I have now done, which is to create a custom field for pnum upon registration - and numbers map much better than names.

That said though, there are other advantages. I rather prefer the idea of knowing who is writing what, and I don't like the idea of people posting under a veil of anonymity. Perhaps others have a different view; but Chess Scotland is not just some random board, where people can post things without being held accountable. So let's have the discussion/debate, and let it to rest. I have a preference, but ultimately; it's not my decision.

I also want to point out that it has nothing to do with exercise of power, and I don't consider my forum topic on the issue to be naming and shaming, simply pointing out. I doubt everyone even read the post about registration before they registered, which explained to me why they wouldn't have conformed to it. I didn't realise that some people were actively ignoring the request, as nobody has had any real or specific objections until now.

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