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Proxy Votes
Sorry Alex but your example is a little far fetched. There is the potential that I get flattened by a bus when crossing the road but that doesn't stop me from crossing the road.

Am I correct in assuming that business cannot be added to the agenda at the actual AGM? If it can remove the ability to do so and then the above cannot happen whereby someone turns up with a suitcase full of proxies and adds items to the agenda for their own individual benefit.

A proxy vote exists for a specific reason to allow members who cannot attend the AGM to cast their vote through a proxy and means that their vote/voice/say is not lost. Removing proxy votes verges on being undemocratic in my opinion and if the above scenario is anything to go by I will vote against a proposed ban on proxy votes. (by proxy! Big Grin) Most if not all organisations allow proxy voting (in some form) at AGMs and it would be a step backwards to remove them. Revise the rules or introduce online voting by all means but to remove proxies is unthinkable. (no one likes them but they have a place much like CS's standards code =o)

I am somewhat surprised that CS is giving time to worrying about proxies rather than promoting chess in Scotland. What is CS there to do? We are discussing ifs,buts,hypotheticals lets discuss reality and the here and now instead of fanciful scenarios that potentialy could happen if this that and the next thing maybe occurs... :\
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