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New constitution

StevieHilton Wrote:I ask again about the job descriptions and remits for the new structure. Surely information on this is necessary in order to make an informed decision on the document as a whole?
Job Description/Remits
- under the current constitution there is no requirement for job descriptions and very few, actually exist and none that can be formally found on the website. Nor does the current constitution mandate such.

So to counter your argument - where was this information when the current constitution was voted on and if it is such a key requirement where is it from the past and why never identified before?

In that respect the Working Party has identified a shortcoming and a proposal to address this.

The new proposed constitution is all about moving forward.

At such a time as when the new constitution is approved then these Job Descriptions will be a fundamental requirement which will be created and developed in conjunction with the elected post holders. It has taken us a considerable amount of time and effort to get this far, but I personally don't want to create work for something that may or may not happen.

Once approval is given to create these then a priority list can be created and addressed accordingly.

Again, speaking personally, I think it unfair and unrealistic, to elect office bearers no matter what constitution is in place and then let them decide (or even cherry-pick) which areas of responsibility they do work on.

StevieHilton Wrote:I also oppose the withdrawl of voting rights for those under 16. The argument that kids should not be allowed to vote on adult matters can be countered by Should adults be allowed to vote on matters affecting Juniors?
This is addressed in the preceding post, so I'm not going to revisit it again.

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