05-07-2015, 07:31 AM
Gary McPheator Wrote:Hi Walter,
I had only half read your proposal and hadn't realised you wish to introduce longer residency rules for representing Scotland before deciding to respond. My apologies! It does of course makes sense to seperate in such a scenario, although I am sure the same outcome could be achieved via the operating procedures.
You are quite correct in that the present wording of the constitution means you are eligible for both representing Scotland and competing for Scottish individual national championships if SCO. As Douglas has indicated, to be registered as SCO you have to meet the birth, parentage and residency rules. What is haphazard about this? If you are worried about a theoretical influx of overseas players requesting to change federation, surely something can be added about how Chess Scotland will deal with such a situation.
The statement from the CWP does seem to want privileges to go with registration as SCO with FIDE. Players will have aquired this easily by being born in Scotland, having a parent born in Scotland (potentially grandparent as well) or meeting the residency rules of the day. Players who do not meet these criteria can not be registered as SCO easily.
Hi gary. I'm posting from handheld device as away for weekend so apols in advance...
Its haphazard as Dougie noted these SCO codes are allocated as part of the process of Fide grading tournaments. I accept this might be dealt with. However the SCO code could be given to a foreign player if CS agrees, and it seems the power to grant this would flow from the proposed constitutional changes.
The main problem is that we are being asked to vote in the constitution that appears to specify residency and bloodline requirements, when in fact these are intended to be specified by future or present officials in SCO code or by future procedures.
Alastair says flexibilty is wanted. Many have already indicated that eligibility criteria require wider membership input. But the eligibility criteria that would go into the SCO code aren't on the table for discussion.