06-07-2015, 09:49 AM
Answers needed earlier than that.
Answers needed before proxy votes are given.
Otherwise decision will be taken by the absent and uninformed majority.
Remember that this crucial meeting happens on a Tuesday morning in holiday season with less than three notice given.
Repeating my earlier question, does anyone know how long the meeting will last? Enough material here to keep the debate going until well into the evening. Potentially allowing many people to complete their working day and reach the venue before the final vote is taken.[/quote]"
I agree with your thoughts on this
Answers needed earlier than that.
Answers needed before proxy votes are given.
Otherwise decision will be taken by the absent and uninformed majority.
Remember that this crucial meeting happens on a Tuesday morning in holiday season with less than three notice given.
Repeating my earlier question, does anyone know how long the meeting will last? Enough material here to keep the debate going until well into the evening. Potentially allowing many people to complete their working day and reach the venue before the final vote is taken.[/quote]"
I agree with your thoughts on this