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New constitution
WBuchanan Wrote:To take the second point first, I would have thought that a junior tournament versus English opponents would be regarded as domestic. This second point is probably included in the first point anyway – if so then there is but one issue.

But it isn't just against the English, and it's a discredit to those who take part to claim it's not an international.

WBuchanan Wrote:The first point could be an issue though. I’ve no knowledge of how CS handles SCO codes for juniors, but assuming Derek is right this could be easily remedied with a tweak - for juniors, the FIDE SCO code requirement could be waived at CS’s discretion.

Who in CS would grant the discretion? Are you proposing an amendment to your amendment?

I think that this highlights that there are many implications on a number of points in the proposals that require further discussion and investigation.

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