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New constitution
robin moore Wrote:To follow up on a point Walter has made a couple of posts previously can we have some guidance please on what would happen if any one part of the three proposed amendments were rejected by CS members at the SGM?
I assume it's all or nothing on each of the three amendments?

From the existing constituition (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)

14.4 Any motion at a Special General Meeting shall be carried if and only if two thirds or more of those voting assent thereto. Only those motions detailed in the relevant requisition, or amendments thereto, shall be discussed and voted upon at the SGM.

(the 'requisition' I think meaning the formal request for the meeting).

'amendments thereto' meaning...amendments to the proposed constitution

Doesn't seem to bind the meeting as long as the discussion is about the requisited motions or amendments!?

(OK I admit to a vested interest, as my own submission may need a tweak :-$ )

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