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New constitution
Jim Webster Wrote:In response to questions raised on the CS Forum, we would like to state the following - CS will be responsible for the conduct and running of the SGM and therefore responsible for the presentation of the Proposed New Constitution.

Who is CS? Are Hamish and Andy trying to imply that only those running the meeting and those who are presenting the proposed new constitution are Chess Scotland? Is this propaganda to try and convince people that those proposing the Constitution are the official line.

Jim Webster Wrote:I Also that those amendments that were received within the stipulated timescale will be debated on a section by section basis against the Proposed New Constitution.

Posted on behalf of Hamish Glen, President and Andy Howie, Executive Director.

Seems a bit unfair. Those on the working party set the time and date when they can make it, are running the meeting, setting the agenda and can argue for their views but the likes of me, who proposed amendments can't make it because I'm working, so there will be 5 arguing for the proposed constitution and nobody for some of the amendments. Talk about stacking the deck.....

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