21-07-2015, 11:03 PM
"After much deliberation, the CWP produced the first draft of the proposed new constitution (PNC) for the
Moderators to consider. Possible areas for amendment came back to CWP and these were actioned. The
resulting draft was considered by elected members of CS Council on 30 May, 2015. A number of
comments by Council were taken on board, and the amended PNC sent to all CS Council members for
their comments/suggestions. This consultation exercise generated only two responses, both of which were
considered for the final draft."
Question, why were only ELECTED members of council invited to the meeting on May 30th to discuss the document, why not the full council?
Moderators to consider. Possible areas for amendment came back to CWP and these were actioned. The
resulting draft was considered by elected members of CS Council on 30 May, 2015. A number of
comments by Council were taken on board, and the amended PNC sent to all CS Council members for
their comments/suggestions. This consultation exercise generated only two responses, both of which were
considered for the final draft."
Question, why were only ELECTED members of council invited to the meeting on May 30th to discuss the document, why not the full council?