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New constitution
Derek, I, also, have asked for changes to previous minutes. Sometimes my suggestions were accepted and sometimes not. It comes down to the simple process of convincing people that your own recollection is more accurate than the proposed record. If you succeed, then the minutes are amended at the next meeting but if you (or I) fail, then the minutes are adopted as originally proposed.

For example, I wrote the minutes for the most recent SGM because Karen was unavailable and Andy was fully utilised in the championships. The accuracy of what has been proposed as the record of the meeting is my responsibility alone. If the minutes are amended at the next meeting, then so be it; I am no more immune from errors and misunderstandings than the next man. All I can promise is that, with the exception of using children for voting, I have no strong views on any of the topics discussed and, therefore, had a free hand in trying to write an accurate record.

As already explained in a previous post, the view of the meeting was that, on eligibility, your series of questions did not amount to a competent motion. As recorded in the proposed minutes, your other motions were addressed with some being adopted and some failing.

In all the circumstances, I wonder if you would like to withdraw your reference to the possibility that proxy votes were ignored.

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