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AGM proposals
Hi Ian

Can we hear from Andy and Hamish - Or are you speaking for them?

You say

“The SGM deserves a full day to itself”

Surely not. This is a continuation of the SGM and at the start of the first part (which was supposed to be the whole meeting) it was announced that it would be two hours.

“…given the potential carry on regarding the voting e.g what happens to someone who proxied at the first meeting but rurns up at the second what happaens to the original proxy votes etc”

Normally anyone who proxies and turns up just votes and their proxy is cancelled. No carry-on is necessary.

“…plus the timescale required to finish the SGM and then start the AGM makes having the SGM on the same day an issue.”

Well again, Hamish considered the whole meeting could take place in two hours. The tail-end must take less.

“I think the best thing is have an SGM either AS A CONTINUATION or as a limited reboot of the SGM in the autumn after open debate”

According to the minute discussion at the continuation SGM “would be confined to motions already proposed but not yet considered.”

“Lets face it , the new constitution wont be in place at least this year so thefoot on the accelarator can be relaxed a wee bit to get as much people on board as possible. The is from someone who passionately wants the constitution in place with its jobs decriptions and operating procedures in place. There has been a wonderful debate so far in this forum , long may it continue with positive input all round. Afew extra months debating the SGM wont do anyone any harm”

Thanks for these thoughts Ian - but as it’s totally opposite of what has been said before can you please obtain a firm statement from Hamish or Andy? The SGM needs to be announced by Saturday anway!


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