20-08-2015, 10:01 AM
'Proxy Votes must be received by 6pm on Sunday 23rd August, 2015' (CS announcement on AGM at the website homepage
Sadly I doubt if I can make it to the AGM but would like to provide proxy votes. The announcement above, however, fails to make clear either:
a) who should 'receive' such votes; or
b) in what 'format' they should be 'received'
Must proxies be forwarded to the Exec Director (or to any attending CS member, as has been 'OK' in the fairly recent past)? Is email OK (and to what e-address, if there is now a 'fixed' recipient)?
Grateful for clarification and many thanks.
Sadly I doubt if I can make it to the AGM but would like to provide proxy votes. The announcement above, however, fails to make clear either:
a) who should 'receive' such votes; or
b) in what 'format' they should be 'received'
Must proxies be forwarded to the Exec Director (or to any attending CS member, as has been 'OK' in the fairly recent past)? Is email OK (and to what e-address, if there is now a 'fixed' recipient)?
Grateful for clarification and many thanks.