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Richardson Cup
just to be clear on this CS will be implementing processes in the running of tournaments. For FIDE grading purposes a FIDE qualified arbiter must be available and in this case the FIDE arbiters will only be available by phone. My telephone will be available for all enquiries up until an actual dispute during match play in which case I am led to believe only a FIDE arbiter can intervene. This is the only way we can have FIDE tournaments unless we have a FIDE arbiter actually present which at the moment is totally impractical. I note the point about having mobile phones but we all have to work the best way we can. I plan to try and eliminate as much as possible all pre-match issues as possible including the publication of club teams and where possible post updates to the team registrations onto the forum. Karen Howie as membership secretary will be sending out invitations to member club secretaries for the various tournaments

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