06-01-2012, 02:08 AM
Just one more entry lower down the minor order and you'll be excused a hat of any colour. Unfortunately, you'll be with the rest of us in the terrified, nothing to gain, everything to lose half.
To all my fellow minor entrants, I will give you a chance. I shall be playing 1.e4 with white. With black I will be playing 1...d5 against 1.e4 and 1...e5 against 1.d4. Any other white opening will be met by 1...a6....
Or maybe not! The physcological war starts now.
Just one more entry lower down the minor order and you'll be excused a hat of any colour. Unfortunately, you'll be with the rest of us in the terrified, nothing to gain, everything to lose half.
To all my fellow minor entrants, I will give you a chance. I shall be playing 1.e4 with white. With black I will be playing 1...d5 against 1.e4 and 1...e5 against 1.d4. Any other white opening will be met by 1...a6....
Or maybe not! The physcological war starts now.
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