13-10-2015, 05:26 PM
George Neave Wrote:Keith Rose Wrote:And it's not just the young 'uns. Peter Romilly hasn't pushed a pawn since last Dundee Congress but shared 1st with 4 points and a +156 grading performance
Indeed Peter played well but if I had managed to solve the following position it could have been a different old guy with the cheque today.
[pos]2rk1b1r/1p4p1/p1bPB2p/2q5/3NQ3/5P2/PPP3PP/2KR4 w - - 0 25[/pos]
White to play for £200.
btw - Thanks once again to Keith and team. A great event professionally run as always.
I was looking for something complicated, but the obvious Bishop x Rook on c8 looks like a simple win on material!