16-11-2015, 10:32 PM
On a rest day for the Seniors, well done Andy B for breaking our duck and putting the first half point on the board in an otherwise unfruitful match against the Faeroes. Losing 0.5 - 3.5 to a country with a population similar to that of Cumbernauld, Hamilton or Glenrothes might seem unlikely, but in this event they outranked us, with a higher average rating and more IMs on site than the Scots were able to muster on this occasion.
Well done, too (for I presume it was you again Andy B!?) for orchestrating a moment of light relief for us spectators when the commentator Simon Williams briefly showed Graeme Morrison's game and announced with something resembling a straight face that he had been reliably informed that said Graeme was none other than the younger brother of Jim Morrison of Doors fame.
Anyone looking for further entertainment could do worse than play through the game Ivanchuk - Svidler on the top table.
Well done, too (for I presume it was you again Andy B!?) for orchestrating a moment of light relief for us spectators when the commentator Simon Williams briefly showed Graeme Morrison's game and announced with something resembling a straight face that he had been reliably informed that said Graeme was none other than the younger brother of Jim Morrison of Doors fame.
Anyone looking for further entertainment could do worse than play through the game Ivanchuk - Svidler on the top table.