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European Team Chess Championships
Cant quite believe wha's happening here. Scotland outgraded by 100+ ELO points on every board, are giving Belgium a bloody nose. Comfortably draw for Andy M. Alan Tate was a couple of pawns down but never gave up hope and eventually managed to set up enough mating threats to turn it round force a win. Andy B battled bravely but couldn't salvage a lost position so the match all hinges on the last game. Graham was doing well for most of the game with Q+P vs R+R and at the time of writing (move 48) he has just won a piece for 2 pawns to reach an ending Q+B+RP vs R+R+2P. Is it winnable? I don't know. But we surely can't lose it.

Edit - now his opponent has given up R for B to leave a very interesting ending (R+2P vs Q+RP). The silicon Brute says Graham is winning but I'm not so sure - could White set up a 'fortress'? Computers are not very good at these assessments (unless you use tablebases),

Edit again - Draw as I thought. However it's a good result. Match drawn.

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